The Herald (South Africa)

Many expats favour remaining in the EU

- Devon Koen

AS Britain voted on whether to stay in the European Union (EU), some expats living in the UK shared their views.

Former Port Elizabeth resident Janee Ugureli, 39, who lives in London, said she had voted to remain in.

Ugureli, who moved to the UK in 2004, said she believed Britain needed to work with the EU to overcome many obstacles.

They included economics, terrorism, racism, religious extremists, human rights and equality issues.

“The euro and the pound are the only currencies that really build on each other,” she said.

“Leaving the EU and risking so much insecurity will immediatel­y see a massive loss of investment and drop in the currency.

“Trade and licence agreements will fall away. All human rights rules will need to be rewritten. All EU business in the UK will have to leave and this means massive job losses.

“If we take my company alone, we are referring to about 300 people who will lose their jobs,” Ugureli said.

Another former Port Elizabetha­n living in London, Paul Chambers, 40, who left South Africa 16 years ago, said he had also voted to stay in.

He said being able to move freely between the European borders was a big positive.

However, there were other considerat­ions, including allowing countries such as Turkey to enter the EU.

“I don’t know what good it would do. Some countries, including Turkey, don’t meet certain standards set out by the EU,” he said.

Chambers said the majority of people living in the greater London area would vote to stay in the EU, while those living in the rural areas would vote against it.

John Blakemore and his family emigrated to South Africa in 1967, but left again in 1986. He also voted in favour of remaining in the EU.

“It allows free movement, a marvellous opportunit­y in these days of globalisat­ion. The Brexit campaign has been run on project hate and not hope, spreading xenophobia,” he said.

“Voters are being duped into believing that by voting ‘Leave’ we’ll live in a land of milk and honey.”

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