The Herald (South Africa)


SMS 32187


SMSes are billed at R1 per 160 characters, the maximum number of characters that can be accepted. Free SMSes do not apply and errors will be billed. Please supply your name. DELAYS FROM EDUCATION DEPARTMENT

I CAN’T blame the children for holding a mock funeral for the DOE (“Pupils lay education to rest”, December 7). I was nominated as a substitute for a teacher on maternity leave, and all forms were duly completed and handed in at the district office in PE. About five weeks later they were returned as they needed some more informatio­n, which was promptly provided. The copies weren’t good enough so they were returned and they wanted a clearer copy! I photocopie­d the original document and the copy was very clear. All delaying tactics to avoid paying out or just too lazy to process the informatio­n! It’s time that competent people are employed at this office. DISGRUNTLE­D WITH THE DOE


AT last John Block, the former ANC Northern Cape chairman, has been given a jail sentence (“Former ANC MEC Block gets 15 years”, December 7). Justice prevails. Now for the big fish! IAN


WHEN are the Gelvandale police going to make a plan to handle the gangsters at the traffic circle at Gail Road and Kobus Road. The gangsters play cat and mouse with the police. When the police are present the gangsters do nothing, but when the police leave they go to taxi drivers, demanding money. The police should put an unmarked car there and monitor the situation. They will soon see who the culprits are. Please make a difference. TRANSFORME­R


HOW much of our rates money goes on salaries for councillor­s? RATEPAYER


THE PE Sports Legends Trust (“Sports stalwarts”, December 7): congrats to the recipients. How come they only are from the northern areas when it’s called PE Sports Legends Trust? REALIST


A 20% pass for maths (“Pupils who get 20% in maths to be passed”, December 7). What a joke. Why bother even to open a book or sit for the exam? No wonder we are the bottom of the global pile. OUBOK


TO think that Athol Trollip excluded Mongameli Bobani as deputy mayor from the reporting on his first 100 days in office. It shows Bobani is not welcome among the Trollip creepers. NEL RESIDENTS RALLY AROUND DURING FIRE

WE moved to Kamma Heights in October. It was wonderful to see people rally around helping each other. Our God is great. ESTELLE


THE remarks made by Ed Gutsche (“Focus on rebuilding our metro together”, December 7) regarding councillor Rory Riordan are good and well, but I would like to know who his president is. Gutsche’s very words referring to “your President Zuma” show that he has no respect for our president. In which country do you live? Think before you speak – it could come back and bite you. A MYBURGH, RICHMOND HILL, PORT ELIZABETH

WELL said, Ed Gutsche! Problem is that the ANC only excels in “gutter politics”. Expect more of the same, a lot more! JAX RORY Riordan (“DA bungles first 100 days in office”, December 5), get a life. Stop mimicking Lawrence Troon. You have far too much intelligen­ce. Would you agree that the ANC bungled for 22 years and ran the city into the ground? MOSES

AS much as Roar-y Roar-dan may be a pain, the DA must be kept on its toes. CITIZEN ARE Rory Riordan and D R Galloway alter egos? They are both one-eyed sycophants of the ANC. TP

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