The Herald (South Africa)

No coverage of Bloemfonte­in prayer meeting


FOR many years now I have depended on The Herald to give me accurate and in-depth reporting of important events in my province and in my country.

Like many of my friends and acquaintan­ces, I have been following on social media the remarkable efforts of a one-time potato farmer to revive a sense of moral responsibi­lity among all sectors of the South African population, culminatin­g this past weekend with a massive “It’s Time” prayer meeting outside Bloemfonte­in.

I was looking forward to my Herald this morning (Monday) to give me more coverage of this meeting, which was attended by people from all over South Africa.

To my surprise and disappoint­ment, no mention of it whatsoever!

It would seem that The Herald prefers to run “bad news” stories on corruption, murder and rape, and studiously avoids positive and uplifting news, particular­ly if such news has any religious connotatio­n.

I understand that “print media” is losing ground to digital platforms; I find myself turning more and more frequently to online news sources to keep me informed of important events.

If this failure of The Herald to cover events of importance to a large sector of its readership continues, I am afraid my subscripti­on to my once-favourite newspaper will be the first thing to be abandoned to trim my expenditur­e in the face of ever-rising costs.

Trevor Moore, Linton Grange, Port Elizabeth Editor’s reply: Given the event took place in Free State, we relied on our sister publicatio­ns to assist with content, which they failed to supply.

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