The Herald (South Africa)

No difference in service delivery


HERCHELLE Brugh’s letter, “DA over-promised, under-delivered”, in Friday’s Herald refers. I fully agree with the writer. I have experience­d no difference in service delivery, only the coalition’s want for more money from us ratepayers and residents.

Politician­s never cease to amaze me with their politicall­y motivated antics and promises, accompanie­d by photoshoot opportunit­ies.

Maybe it’s to satisfy an ultra-ego, self-importance mindset or whatever else they have compared to us lesser mortals.

A good example is the widely published incident involving the mayor last month while cycling along Victoria Drive (a foolish thing to have done in the first place) and especially the “Take Back Victoria Drive” cycle ride the following week.

When Ironman participan­ts Frederik van Lierde, Moroslav Vrastil and Leon Killian experience­d similar attacks in March and April there were no media reports of the mayor being seen or heard from about it.

Maybe nobody had warned for whatever reason these cyclists or any other Ironman cyclist, especially out of town ones, about this danger.

Victoria Drive is a known crime hotspot, so why purposely cycle there?

It was and still is looking for trouble.

Driving along Victoria Drive yesterday reminded me of these incidents as seemingly nothing has changed – there was no visible policing or any other security in sight, which was to be expected as the SA Police Services have other, more urgent daily priorities to attend to.

The metro police seem to be invisible to us residents as I have never come across one yet nor, for that matter, a traffic cop for ages.

Michael, Port Elizabeth

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