The Herald (South Africa)

‘Orphan’ girls found on street

- Gareth Wilson

POLICE are trying to track down the guardian of two young sisters who claim they are orphans and who were found wandering the streets of Motherwell at the weekend.

The incident has served to highlight Child Protection Week which started yesterday.

Police spokesman Captain Andre Beetge said the sisters, aged seven and nine, were dropped off at the Swartkops police station by a person who saw them walking the street at about midday on Saturday.

Authoritie­s have not released the names of the girls as they are minors.

He said the person who found the girls said they had been wandering around Motherwell.

“At this stage, the children claim they are orphans and that their parents passed away,” Beetge said.

“The girls also claim that their guardian kicked them out their home and that they have been wandering the streets on their own for two days.”

Beetge said details were still sketchy as the children themselves were not sure where they lived.

“Shortly after the children were dropped off, they were taken to the victim support centre at the police station where there are both sleep and shower facilities for the children.

“During this time, police members collected clothing, food and toys for the girls and went to the shops to buy them food,” he said.

“On Sunday, they were treated to a Wimpy breakfast in Bluewater Bay and several warm meals that were purchased by police members working at the station.”

By 10am yesterday, social workers had arrived at the police station to collect the children.

“They have been taken to a place of safety while social welfare experts attempt to locate where the girls come from and who their guardian is,” Beetge said.

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