The Herald (South Africa)

ANC well and truly dead

- Justice Malala

NOTHING illustrate­s the extent of our descent into ethical and moral bankruptcy (and political mediocrity) as comprehens­ively as the past week’s events.

A deputy minister of higher education savagely beat up a woman and today, a full eight days after the outrage came to light, he still serves in the executive.

On the day after the outrageous case of Deputy Minister Mduduzi Manana came to light, the ANC’s top brass arrived in parliament en masse and threatened its 249 MPs to vote against an opposition motion to kick President Jacob Zuma out of office.

You may know Jacob Zuma: he slept with his friend’s young daughter, has been bribed, has overseen numerous scandals, has handed appointmen­t of cabinet ministers to the Gupta family, has destroyed jobs and hobbled the economy, and has forced two splinter parties to emerge from the ANC.

His comrades in Cosatu and the SACP have told him to pack his bags.

I have not even begun to scratch at how deeply Zuma has damaged the ANC, yet on Tuesday evening 198 of those ANC MPs voted to keep the man who is leading them energetica­lly towards the opposition benches ensconced in power.

There was once a time when I would happily stop whatever I was doing and sit down for a nice debate with ANC leaders who felt that the party could “self-correct” or be saved.

Last week, as Manana strutted about South Africa issuing statements and being treated like a demi-God by our police services (he even got to enter court through the back door), all such thoughts fled my mind. On Sunday, when the leader of the ANC Women’s League ran true to her consistent­ly anti-women form and defended Manana, it finally occurred to me that the ANC is well and truly dead. It will never come back.

What we are now going through is a dangerous time because this realisatio­n has surely hit our cabinet ministers, ANC MPs and the massive train of civil servants, tenderpren­eurs and various hangers-on who have thrived under Zuma and his criminal enterprise.

These are surely the last days of Zuma’s criminal empire and each one of these looters will do their absolute worst to steal and stash some dirty lucre before the reckoning comes.

These are desperate people in desperate times and they will act desperatel­y to keep looting.

What now? Former finance minister Pravin Gordhan said recently: “I think the president should move aside and let somebody take over this country and reset the course‚ so that we can fulfill the kind of aspiration­s that Mandela and his generation had for South Africa.”

Gordhan is right. We need a reset of our ethical and moral compass.

We also need a reset of our political and economic arrangemen­ts.

However, the sad truth is that the reset will not be achieved through the mere departure of Zuma and company.

The reality is that the entire ANC is rotten to the very core because the head is so rotten.

Zuma has turned the ANC into himself. Those who are not corrupt are used and abused to prolong Zuma’s stay in power and continuanc­e of his pillaging.

South Africa’s reset button will come at a price.

The ANC’s current leadership cannot be trusted to go without a fight.

It would be naive to think that attempts to capture the Electoral Commission of South Africa (popularly known as the IEC) are not under way.

A paranoid Zuma (who now accuses his comrades of poisoning him three times) will not want an election that is as uncertain for him as what we saw with the no-confidence motion in parliament last week.

South Africa can and will reset.

The cost will be high, though. Ordinary South Africans are going to have to dig deep to dream of a new, united, non-sexist, nonracist, inclusive and progressiv­e country beyond the ANC.

They will have to go out on the streets and follow the example of Zackie Achmat – they will have to organise. The future belongs to them. But they, we, have to make it. Last week, the ANC showed us that it has vacated its place as a change agent in our country.

The future must be crafted by us, for the ANC is too busy looting in these last and desperate days of the Zuma empire.

The reality is that the entire ANC is rotten to the very core because the head is so rotten

 ?? Picture: REUTERS ?? LAST DAYS: President Jacob Zuma
Picture: REUTERS LAST DAYS: President Jacob Zuma
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