The Herald (South Africa)


- Great cash prizes to be won. For further informatio­n or to enter please contact either Mike Freer on 082-374-8896 or Graham Tunstead on 072-812-3463

THE Woods Ladies Sponsored Pairs starts Tuesday March 27. The following skips have entered: N Slater, A Bleske, Y Rens, G Butler, C Craill, I Forbes, J Freeman, L Green, CJ van Rensburg, N Rubin, M Senekal, D Vermaak, D Mulhauser, M O’Walsky, J Cherry, W McLachlan, L Reed, M Smith, M Nel, R Tunstead, V Pearson, C Botha, M Message and M Lee.

PORT ELIZABETH: today, PM Arranged (bounce) games. Mixed bowls (Johann Strombeck); tomorrow, PM Mixed tabs-in bowls. Thursday throwers (Ian Simpson). Friday, AM Tabs-in Bob Mott tournament. Mixed drawn pairs. All clubs welcome. 6pm Ambiton and Club 100 draw; Saturday, PM Mixed tabs-in bowls; Sunday, AM Mixed arranged bowls; Finesmaste­r: Graham van Blerk; Tuesday, AM There will be Grasshoppe­rs this week (Dan Thysse); PM Business league fifth round (Dan Thysse). PEBC Personal Trust Pairs starts next Friday at 2pm. First round draw: W Kilian v D Thysse ; P Minnie v T James; A du Plessis v J Morgan ; R Forbes v S Jones; J Smith v J Strombeck; F Tapanes v G van Blerk ; T Cawood v K O’Kennedy; F de Klerk v D Stacey; Sat 24 at 9am. J. Kapp v J. Inkin. Entry fee R400 per team. The limited numbers dictate that we do away with the split and adjust prize money to suit. Queries to Terry James 072-878-9133 or

Westview Bowls – Tabs in on Wednesday and Sunday at 8.50 for 9am. Saturday Tabs in at 1.50 for 2pm. Cutthroat on Friday at 9.20 for 9.30am. Winner of Cutthroat on Friday, was Nigel Holt. Visitors welcome. Reminder that the Westview Ladies Valentine’s Day Classic is happening tomorrow.

WALMER: Well done to Willie Kilian and Dezi Rosenblatt at the SA Masters last weekend. Today, 1.30pm Men’s trips competitio­n sponsored by Personal Trust; Thursday: 1.45pm Chocoholic­s mixed tabs; Friday: 4pm: Tabs-in evening bowls 6.30pm. Joker

VICTORIA PARK: Wednesday social 3.30pm casual dress. Wednesday/summer twilight bowls 5.15 for 5.30pm. Casual bring and braai after bowls. Thursdays VP/ITD Men’s Pairs 8.30 for 9am whites. Friday social 3.30pm casual; Friday Cutthroat 4.45 for 5pm casual, followed by Joker draw. Supper available after please contact Glenda on 082-829-5661 to place your order; Saturday Tabs in 1.30 for 2pm whites; Sunday tabs in 9.15 for 9.30am. Whites Victoria Park invites teams to enter the VP Warwick Financial Maturity Mixed or Matched Pairs competitio­n. The competitio­n will be played on the third Saturday morning of every month starting Saturday and continuing until October.

UITENHAGE: The MSC Pro10 pairs was won by Pillie and Vadia while Linky and Jacquie won the friendship prize. The Business league entries close on Friday. Members are asked to bring teams for this competitio­n. It runs over six Friday evenings, starting next Friday, and is played on March 2, March 9, March 23 and March 30. After bowls on Friday, April 6 a prize-giving will be held. Two games of 25 ends will be played every Friday evening. This past Sunday bowls was well supported and will continue this Sunday morning. Those interested please append names on the list on the notice board in the bar. The bar draws were won by Pillie, Paarl and Manfred. The Sjokolade challenge last Tuesday was won by Hugo, Janine and Jacquie. The friendship prize was won by Gert, Theuns and Anne. A steak night is being organised for Saturday night, March 10. Tickets available from Vadia in the bar or from Mossie at 082-625-4859. draw followed by supper. Please put your names on catering list; Saturday, 10am Rinks available for club competitio­ns and practice; 1.45pm men’s and women’s tabs; Sunday, 9.15 men’s and women’s tabs

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