The Herald (South Africa)

Boreholes being sunk for selfish reasons

- Jay-Jay, Port Elizabeth

THE concern for the number of boreholes is long overdue (“‘Boreholes could affect quality of PE’s water’ ”, February 13) and it is not just because “they can afford it” that people drop boreholes – I put it down to arrogance and lack of respect for nature.

We are such impatient people, always wanting quick response and quick answers.

After every drought we have had, nature restores itself relatively quickly when the drought eventually breaks.

I live in Summerstra­nd and never in any previous drought has my garden been in such dire straits.

One only has to drive through the suburb to see who is abusing boreholes by the state of their gardens.

My question here is why on earth did Brian Witbooi take this photo of Grey Junior (when it has had this borehole for years) when the article clearly refers to “particular­ly in coastal suburbs such as Summerstra­nd”.

Witbooi could easily have driven to Summerstra­nd and seen not only the green, green grass but the blatant selling of borehole water.

From one residence with a borehole where water is being sold (and has been reported many times) the trucks are filled from the backyard under the cover of night and canvases.

One of these trucks actually has signage and a cellphone number!

This operation was halted for a period of a month and my garden regained its natural drought state of being fractional­ly green from natural fallout.

They are back in business now and my garden is a desert sandpit again.

Stricter regulation­s are needed and Dr Phumelile Gama should be applauded for his research, and hopefully the municipali­ty is able to take notice of his warnings and implement a long-term management plan.

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