The Herald (South Africa)

Improve skills at Rage

Top coaching team will share tips at hockey training camp

- Amir Chetty chettyam@tisoblacks­ For bookings or further informatio­n e-mail him on hockeyrage­

GETTING the best out of the Bay’s budding hockey players will be at the top of the agenda when the Hockey Rage takes place in Port Elizabeth next month. With the event featuring more than 10 past and present coaches and players, hockey enthusiast­s have the chance to learn from the best in the industry as they look ahead to the new season.

The camp, now in its second year, will feature six leading hockey brands under one banner with aims of nurturing the country’s next stars.

The event is the brainchild of former Eastern Province hockey ace Jason Bigara.

“When I was a player, there were always these camps which I felt were just a means of pushing product, and were not always focused solely on hockey.

“My idea was to have a camp which doesn’t push product, but is solely focused on quality coaches and quality coaching,” the Grey High hockey coach said.

The camp will be held at the Grey High School astroturf from March 2, and is open to both junior and senior age group hockey players.

It will feature the likes of ex-SA players Lyall Meyer (hitting and stopping), Dalan Phillips (finishing) and current SA player Ignatius Malgraff (attack and space) as part of the five-man head coach team. Specialise­d coaching sessions will include the likes of SA player Chad Cairncross (drag flick) and Cheslyn Gie, who will speak about the requiremen­ts sought by SA selectors.

Bigara said there would be various stations where each coach would look at a different aspect of the game.

At these stations, players would be taught the skills and techniques which could be used in a game situation.

“Our main goal as coaches is for [players] to go out and have fun, while learning techniques and skills about the game they never knew before,” the former EP U21 captain said.

Explaining the format of the event, Bigara said the junior camp would take place on Friday, March 2, with a hockey fives tournament set to take place under lights at Grey High, while the senior section would get under way a day later.

In the senior section, coaching would take place during the morning, with another hockey tournament scheduled for later.

Juniors, both U13 boys and girls, looking to attend the camp will pay R100 per player or R80 per player for teams of five or six.

For seniors, boys and girls U14, U16 and U18, the per player cost will be R550 or R450 for a team of five or six.

To further the developmen­t of the sport, players are requested to bring along any old hockey clothing and equipment, to be donated to schools in the townships.

Cairncross said he was looking forward to being part of the camp.

He will be teaching the short corner, or drag flick.

“There is no one way to do it, everyone has their own unique way of doing the move,” he said.

“The most important thing they need to show is a willingnes­s to learn and ultimately, we want them to go home with a new set of skills which could help improve their on-field performanc­es.” Bigara said the closing date for entries was February 26.

 ??  ?? STICKS READY: Hockey enthusiast­s will have the chance to brush up on their skills ahead of the new season at next month’s Hockey Rage training camp. Revved up for the event are, from left, Tertian Adams (junior coordinato­r), Vaila Sinclair (Hockey Rage PR and digital media manager) and Jason Bigara (director)
STICKS READY: Hockey enthusiast­s will have the chance to brush up on their skills ahead of the new season at next month’s Hockey Rage training camp. Revved up for the event are, from left, Tertian Adams (junior coordinato­r), Vaila Sinclair (Hockey Rage PR and digital media manager) and Jason Bigara (director)
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