The Herald (South Africa)

EU warns Brexit Britain ‘clock is ticking’


THE European Union (EU) warned Britain yesterday that time was running out to seal a Brexit deal this autumn and ensure London does not crash out of the bloc next March, adding to pressure on Prime Minister Theresa May.

But May’s spokesman said the focus was on getting the exit right, rather than meeting a deadline.

Diplomats and officials in Brussels note little progress in Brexit negotiatio­ns since the EU leaders last met, raising doubt about whether the bloc and London would be able to mark another milestone at the next top-level summit on June 28 to 29.

“We are concerned that there is no clear stance, no clear position from the British. The clock is ticking,” German EU Minister Michael Roth told his EU peers at a meeting in Brussels.

“We need now to be making substantia­l progress, but that is not happening. What is worrying us in particular is the Northern Ireland question where we expect a substantia­l accommodat­ion from the British side.”

At home, May is stuck between a rock and a hard place with staunch Brexit supporters pushing to sever ties with the EU and others advocating keeping close customs cooperatio­n with the bloc to reduce frictions in future trade. May’s spokesman said London was working on two options for post-Brexit customs cooperatio­n.

Under a customs partnershi­p, Britain could collect tariffs on goods entering the country on the EU’s behalf.

Under a second idea, for a streamline­d customs arrangemen­t, traders on an approved list would be able to cross borders freely with the aid of automated technology.

But the EU has said London must come up with a solution for the Irish border conundrum and highlights that this has not happened.

Both sides worry that reinstatin­g a physical border between EU member Ireland and Britain’s province of Northern Ireland, and managing customs, could revive violence there.

France’s top diplomat, foreign minister Jean-Yves le Drian, on Sunday called on the EU to set a final deadline of next month for Britain to resolve the conundrum of its border with Ireland after Brexit.

Other outstandin­g issues include guarantees for expatriate rights, agreeing on security cooperatio­n and trade rules after Brexit, to ensure a deal is in place when Britain leaves in March next year, and an adaptation period ending at the end of 2020.

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