The Herald (South Africa)

Never, ever threaten US, Trump tells Iran

- Warren Strobel and Parisa Hafezi

United States President Donald Trump told Iran it risked dire consequenc­es if the Islamic Republic made more threats against the US.

His words, in capital letters in a late-night Twitter message on Sunday, came hours after Iranian President Hassan Rouhani told the US president that hostile policies towards Tehran could lead to “the mother of all wars”.

Despite the heightened rhetoric, both sides have reasons to want to avoid starting a conflict that could easily escalate.

Trump’s comments come in the context of a barrage of speeches and online communicat­ions meant to foment unrest and pressure Iran to end its nuclear programme and its support of militant groups, according to US officials.

Iran has faced increased US pressure and possible sanctions since Trump’s decision in May to withdraw the US from a 2015 internatio­nal agreement over Iran’s nuclear programme.

In his message directed at Rouhani, Trump wrote: “Never, ever threaten the United States again or you will suffer consequenc­es the likes of which few throughout history have ever suffered before.

“We are no longer a country that will stand for your demented words of violence & death. Be cautious!”

Earlier on Sunday, Rouhani had told a gathering of Iranian diplomats: “Mr Trump, don’t play with the lion’s tail, this would only lead to regret.

“America should know that peace with Iran is the mother of all peace, and war with Iran is the mother of all wars,” Rouhani said.

He left open the possibilit­y of peace between the two countries, at odds since the 1979 Islamic Revolution.

But Iran’s most powerful authority, Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, said on Saturday that negotiatio­ns with the United States would be an “obvious mistake”.

Rouhani also scoffed at Trump’s threat to halt Iranian oil exports.

He said Iran had a dominant position in the Gulf and the Strait of Hormuz, a major oil shipping waterway.

A senior commander of Iran’s elite Revolution­ary Guards reacted angrily to Trump’s threats by saying Tehran would continue to resist its enemies.

Trump’s warning to Iran came hours after a speech by US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, who denounced Iran’s clerical leadership as a mafia, and promised unspecifie­d backing for Iranians unhappy with their government.

Tehran reacted to Pompeo’s speech as an interferen­ce in its affairs.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu praised what he called Trump’s strong stance on Iran.

However, Germany said threats of war were never helpful. –

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