The Herald (South Africa)

Rot starts at the top in police ranks


I refer to your report, “Ex-cop ‘destroyed trust of the community’ ”, dated January 11.

The “cops” who destroyed the trust of the community are the following:

The “mafia” type command structure of the SAPS.

Remember Jackie Selebi, Khomotso Phahlane, Berning Ntlemeza, Richard Mdluli and former commission­er Riah Phiyega – all cadre deployment­s (to mention just a few) – and discharged as a result of “questionab­le actions”?

Not to mention many other “jobs for pals” generals who have also been discharged or have taken their discharge due to alleged criminal activities!

There are many other deployed “jobs for pals” generals in the SAPS.

That is the real problem. The lower ranks – like Alicia Beeming – just follow their seniors’ example!

According to the report, “Women named for top police positions” (December 24), one of the females had “a wealth of policing experience after serving for 16 years” and the other was “given” the rank of colonel when she joined the SAPS 10 years ago!

What actual police experience do they have?

My informatio­n is that they have no real police experience as they served their terms in an office capacity!

Their appointmen­t as “gen-promoted, erals” is nothing other than jobs for pals/cadre deployment!

An insult to all the other deserving members of the SAPS (white and black ) who have real police experience.

No wonder the top management of the SAPS is referred to as a “mafia”!

What do these new “generals” know about policing at grassroots level!

The SAPS have lost the plot long ago.

That is why crime flourishes in SA!

I am also aware of two white female members who both have more than 25 years service in the SAPS and for the last 20 years have not been both being captains.

The reason is they have the wrong skin colour.

They are white!

The fact that they have served at grassroots level and have the necessary experience does not count in their favour. It is the skin colour that matters, and to hell with actually combating crime and promoting deserving members.

New “apartheid” and racism (disguised as affirmativ­e action) is alive and has a destructiv­e effect in SA – as is corruption and all other crime – with the knowledge and support of Cyril Ramaphosa’s ANC/SACP government.

Hiding the truth and misleading the public will not make the SAPS better at their work.

Instead, it encourages the failed “cadre and jobs for pals” practice which ultimately ends in Beeming cases.

And the public is the loser, as the case is presently in SA!

Why is a large section of the population – and certain media – afraid of the truth?

I mean the real truth, not the “selective” truth!

The rot starts at the top and lower ranks follow.

Be honest – and with above in mind – ask yourself where the rot starts and why is it continuing? Rouen Pallas Port Elizabeth

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