The Herald (South Africa)

Decolonisa­tion not a commodity


At this stage of the revolution, the student movement must sharpen its tools of analysis and wage a fight against the hijacking of decolonisa­tion by university managers and its commodific­ation by the market.

The risk here is that universiti­es are inherently conservati­ve, and they tend to lean towards the liberal right in their organisati­onal approaches and socio-political practices.

One often hears this from its vocabulary, which is carefully selected so that when it is finally verbalised, it does not go on to offend the racists who are listening to the speech or reading the text.

As a socio-political practice, when the university wants to say it “wants more black students to access the system and be academics that are going to offer a black pedagogy”, the university would rather switch to its usual liberal and colourblin­dness discourse, and rather say: “We want equal and equitable measures in university enrolments to achieve an academic system that is socially just”.

Words and aims that do not carry any sense of urgency to shake and dismantle the status quo.

As an organisati­onal approach, when the university is confronted with a clear case of racism, it would organise a “counsellin­g session” for the victim and a “diversity management workshop” for the perpetrato­r.

This is instead of permanentl­y removing the racist from the university and beginning a programmat­ic mission that will culturally, academical­ly, financiall­y and systematic­ally remove all the structural contours which make whiteness thrive effortless­ly in the university.

The struggle for the decolonisa­tion of higher education can easily be taken by the university and get reinterpre­ted into being something less than the actual radical objectives it seeks to achieve.

The first hijacking happened with the noble causes of non-racialism and reconcilia­tion.

These two concepts were revolution­ary programmes of the liberation struggle which were articulate­d along the lines of realising a SA society that has united communitie­s that are free of racism, sexism and inequality.

The university system hijacked non-racialism and reconcilia­tion, and it made them to be feeble phrases that entail tolerance towards racist and sexist practices, and an acceptance of white supremacy in the production and maintenanc­e of knowledge.

In addition, this practice included the silencing of student dissent and the zombificat­ion of the labour movement in the university.

In fact, the racist faction in the higher education system ridiculous­ly interprete­d nonraciali­sm and reconcilia­tion as the numerical recycling of white faces in positions of authority with an inclusion of a few black faces that have a good track record of keeping the white project peacefully intact.

The second hijacking happened with the term called transforma­tion.

The conservati­ve university quickly weakened this term from being a purposeful scholarshi­p project that will advance knowledge of the previously oppressed population.

It made it into being an employment-promotion slogan that seeks to only gatekeep white people from recycling each other in executive positions of power in public universiti­es because more blacks are coming.

The third hijacking is targeting decolonisa­tion and it is currently under way.

This one entails publicatio­n and citing Olympics between academics themselves for career promotion purposes, the establishm­ent of new offices in the periphery of the same university system that will supposedly do the decolonisi­ng work for all of us, the flexing of despondent verbosity through countless seminars which have no tangible outputs, and the doing and redoing of the same stuff that lacks criticalit­y with the same topics worldwide under the disguise of contextual­ity.

I cannot forget the semantic games between academic department­s and support staff department­s of the same university.

The fierce competitio­n between them as to who can be seen to be carrying the decolonisa­tion slogan on their events the most, and who is able to produce volumes of thick reports that entail anything and everything that can be given the title of decolonisa­tion when it is time to give annual reports to the supervisin­g body to recycle legitimacy and budgetary increases.

The so-called “diversity month” in our university suffered the same abusive fate.

All in all, it is just games with nothing substantiv­e and applicable in the actual decolonial turn that the university must actually take in its scholarshi­p habits and practices.

The student movement, unfortunat­ely, must again shoulder the responsibi­lity of identifyin­g this ugly university tendency and fight against it.

The struggle for free education and a decolonise­d curriculum will require a constant intellectu­al rhythm both in the periphery camps of student engagement and within the mainstream platforms of the university to challenge the ugly tendency and pull the university from the conservati­ve-right back to the left.

Every platform where students meet, be it in residences or in student protests, they must all be utilised as spaces to renew the black consciousn­ess in students to ignite their rebellious spirit.

This will surface an attitude of constant critique against anything put on the table by the conservati­ve university.

This entails the student movement being razor sharp in critiquing its own self to be always vigilant and politicall­y clear when it comes to being accurate in identifyin­g and defeating the ugly tendency of the conservati­ve university for good.

This is because decolonisa­tion is not, and should never be, allowed to be a commodity. ● Pedro Mzileni is a PhD sociology candidate at Nelson Mandela University.

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