The Herald (South Africa)

Politician apologises after making R1.3m from face masks


A Japanese politician apologised yesterday after he made $86,000 (R1.3m) auctioning face masks online as the country deals with a shortage during the new coronaviru­s outbreak.

Hiroyuki Morota, a member of the Shizuoka prefecture assembly and owner of an import firm, defended his decision in a televised press conference but conceded that the move had been ill-timed.

Morota said he had auctioned packages of masks, some containing 2,000 pieces, via the internet dozens of times over a one-month period, netting R1.3m.

Each package sold for between 34,000 (R5,300) to 170,000 yen (R27,000), he said.

Morota said he bought the masks 10 years ago in China for 15 yen (R2) a piece, or 30,000 yen (R4,681) for a packet containing two thousand masks.

“Those were inventory items that were stored at my firm for years. It was not that I was earning unjust profits,” Morota said.

“But as a member of the prefecture assembly, I feel I have a moral responsibi­lity.”

The apology came after he faced a storm of criticism for the sales and his claims that the auction prices were market value.

Internet users have long complained that there are not enough supplies of masks on the market, and speculated that some people had bought up available stock to resell them at higher prices.

Prime Minister Shinzo Abe’s government has asked internet auction services to discourage sales of items such as masks and disinfecta­nts to stop price gouging.

Morota said he would step down as the head of the firm, giving the top management post to his wife, but would keep his public office.

Morota said he was in talks with the local government about donating the proceeds from his mask sales.


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