The Herald (South Africa)

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I have been to two food retailers and seen that the lottery is still being played. Draws are done on national TV. Since when is this form of gambling an essential service?

B Rhode


In a normal day in SA. we would probably have several hundred deaths from TB, Aids, heart attacks and so on. How do we determine which cases are due to Covid19? Our death rate here is very low from the virus considerin­g all the elements which make us a third-world country. Are the authoritie­s being honest for once or are we being subjected to the usual ANC lies?

Sandy Y


Minister Bheki Cele, you may think you are fighting the spread of Covid-19 by banning the sale of alcohol and cigarettes, but all you are doing is increasing the number of potential customers for funeral homes. The lockdown and its associated effects are stressful enough as it is and people need something to cope. Remove their means and we’ll see how well the SAPS and SANDF can stand up to millions of cranky smokers on the rampage countrywid­e. End this foolishnes­s now, mister minister!

Mircea Negres

The Mad Hatter’s big concern now is that nobody buys cigarettes; the law will come down hard. Have we no other problems? Have these comedians all lost their minds or is there something else going on?

Ivan Skovar


To my fellow proudly SA people. Imagine if all the money lost through corruption in our beautiful land could be used to fight the coronaviru­s. We would be safe. Shame on all of you, you know who you are. The Almighty never sleeps and I still pray that our Lord will look after us. Amen.

The Bull


A TV host on a US channel suggested they house their homeless in empty hotels on the Las Vegas strip instead of in parking lots. Why don’t we also do that? Most hotels are empty. It will save the government having to find tents and blankets for the homeless.



I was fooled by your veggie patch at golf courses [April Fool’s Day] report but think it is an excellent idea anyway. Another matter — we live in a retirement complex and cannot walk our dogs. I, too, am confused, as one minute we can walk in complexes and then we cannot? What is it, please?

Very confusing


Reports are that China has now banned the eating of dogs and cats. Their skins are also used. Why is there a need for this? It seems that the virus came from these terrible animal markets. Please, no more!

Animal lover


Has any employee or employer had any luck with the department dealing with the Unemployme­nt Insurance Fund? Seems they are also in lockdown.



Every citizen of the Eastern Cape should read Retief Odendaal’s letter of March 30 — very worrying.


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