The Herald (South Africa)

What’s next — disarming us and forced vaccinatio­n?


I generally agree with Gordon Upton’s views but I think this time he is suffering from “frog in warm water” syndrome.

Hitler wrote of the “big lie” in Mein Kampf that “it would never come into [the masses’] heads to fabricate colossal untruths, and they would not believe that others could have the impudence to distort the truth so infamously”.

I have often wondered why the decent/good Germans never stood up to him in the 1930s.

Now I know. The Brown Shirts, under his orders, did precisely what the Blue Shirts are doing to us today.

The insidious infringeme­nts of our civil liberties under the guise of the ruling party doing what’s best for us.

[In Nazi Germany there were] Hitler Youth camps that children had to attend, whether their parents wanted them to or not, where they were brainwashe­d so that they would inform even on their own parents for antiNazi activities/opposition.

Jews had to wear the Star of David; we have to wear face masks, even when by yourself !

Incidental­ly, I have heard of people in our area phoning the police to report people walking on the river bank by themselves.

At 71 years of age, I don’t need the state to tell me I can’t go for a walk by myself, must stay indoors for a curfew, and so on.

Don’t tell me that if I do it, then everyone will want to.

It’s up to you if you want to quarantine yourself, but don’t force it on me — you stay at home.

I have read enough to support Karl Beyleveld’s letter that it is just a virulent case of flu of which thousands die every year.

Funny enough, nobody is dying of flu any more or, it seems, from anything else.

Thousands of small businesses have been destroyed and millions of people who were once gainfully employed have now to rely on the state.

And if you don’t do as they say — and just listen to the ministers laying down the still-to-be-promulgate­d law as it comes into their heads, one after another — you will not be a beneficiar­y of their largesse.

I want to see them taking away the extra money they are giving out in welfare for the next three months.

The next step could well be the disarmamen­t of law-abiding citizens, then forced vaccinatio­ns (and who knows what they will be injecting into you) and, as Bill Gates would like, the tracking and tracing of every citizen so that the state would know what you are up to — naturally for your own good, of course.

I am not a conspiracy theorist, but I object to my basic human rights been taken away, and our politician­s have now become gods.

With so much power, they naturally want it to continue.

If they received no salary during lockdown, like thousands of others, the lockdown would already be over.

Dave Nicoll, Bushmans

River Mouth

 ??  ??
 ??  ?? VACCINE PROPONENT: Billionair­e philanthro­pist and Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation co-chair Bill Gates
VACCINE PROPONENT: Billionair­e philanthro­pist and Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation co-chair Bill Gates

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