The Herald (South Africa)

Salute our medics and police officers

- “Fair play”, Port Elizabeth

I refer to the letter by Clive Hassell (July 9) wherein he extolled the virtues of the British NHS and law enforcemen­t before denigratin­g not only our entire medical profession but also our law enforcemen­t officers and government.

The unadultera­ted vitriol in his letter has left me saddened, furious and despairing, in turns, and I feel honour bound to respond.

There may be shortcomin­gs in our country, for a multitude of reasons, yet no-one has the right to tar everyone with the same brush. Everywhere in SA there are heroes, be they medical personnel, law enforcemen­t officers, politician­s, street sweepers, grave-diggers, shop assistants or captains of industry.

I am absolutely appalled that Mr Hassell does not recognise that any good stories might exist.

Does he not know of the many medical personnel at this time who are working extra shifts, not only doing their own jobs but also acting as counsellor­s to the gravely ill and dying? How difficult it must be to return home exhausted and fearful of what lies ahead the next day.

There are also many dedicated law enforcemen­t officers out there who are daily putting their lives and those of their families at risk.

Isn’t it time that all of us pulled together and supported each other, through the pandemic and beyond? Let us be generous and kind.

I would like to salute all our medical personnel and law enforcemen­t officers who are working extremely hard, under extremely trying conditions, to help us through these heart-rending times.

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