The Herald (South Africa)


- Toni Tusio

What does Heritage Day mean to you ?

Heritage Day makes me feel nostalgic about tradition, whether that be a cultural or family tradition. It means happiness and full bellies — a celebratio­n.

What do you enjoy most about Heritage Day?

There is nothing like a familiar dish that transports you back to a time of fun with friends and family. The smell, taste, even the preparatio­n will always have its quirks and bring a smile to your face. I grew up making Tex Mex food with my mother, and I love that I have been able to recreate the dishes and share the joy they bring.

How do you celebrate Heritage Day in your family and at the restaurant?

Being from Canada and the US I am used to the traditiona­l holidays, Thanksgivi­ng etc. I still do this here, every Canadian Thanksgivi­ng and American one I make a turkey, stuffing and all, and mashed potatoes — however, I will always sneak in a jalapeño here and there!

What family traditions do you like to keep alive?

Family tradition for me is making giant pots of chilli with my mother, to dip your nachos in, and sitting around the table scarfing it down. I have made it for my husband many times and it is a staple in our home. Every time it’s made it’s compared to the last, and the longer it sits the tastier it is! Everyone knows if you are coming to us for dinner, it is going to involve some type of Mexican fiesta. It is that feeling of vibrant colours and tasty dishes that we have applied to Mamacita’s. It should warm you up and always draw you back!

What message would you send to the Nelson Mandela Bay community to encourage them to embrace and be proud of our country’s rich heritage and culture?

Heritage is beautiful and should never be changed. However, I think you need to open your hearts and minds to new flavours and traditions. I have eaten some amazing dishes here in SA — and everything is so hearty and delicious. There are so many different cultures, people and food, but I would love to introduce you to some more new things to add to the table. You never know what a great experience and taste is going to make it into your home and never leave. It’s a beautiful thing!

Recipe for Chilli Nachos Ingredient­s:

Large can of whole tomatoes 1 jar of tomato sauce Sachet of tomato paste Lots of cumin (this is personal preference — there is no correct amount) Heaped tablespoon chilli powder

2 tablespoon­s brown sugar 2 teaspoons Cayenne pepper Tablespoon garlic powder and onion powder Diced whole white onion Diced red & green pepper

2 or 3 chopped garlic cloves 1 can red kidney beans 1kg mince, seasoned with salt and pepper


Cook mince, onion, peppers and then, as tradition would have it, chuck it all in a pot! Let it all cook and simmer, add a few dashes of Worcesters­hire Sauce, for 30 minutes, then turn it off and let it sit — the longer it sits, the more delicious it is! Throw it in a bowl — top with a dollop of thick cream, plain yoghurt, a lime wedge & grated cheddar cheese. Grab your nachos and DIP! OR use this chilli as a topping for your nachos! Put some chips in a baking tray, chilli on top, add cheese and bake. Top with fresh plain yoghurt, salsa, diced avos & EAT!

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