The Herald (South Africa)

Your chirps

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Well said, Arcol (“Lay off the queen — she was only a figurehead”, Your Views, September 16). Chiefs of pre-colonial times could also be vicious. And Prof Jansen, your education, whatever you may say or think, was thanks to colonisati­on. So is your home, clothing, car and so on.

Geraldine During coverage of the queen’s funeral, one narrator asked if anyone had any questions (I presume on SA TV only). A man asked: If we were part of the Commonweal­th, why weren’t we given any gold, and would we claim the Cullinan diamond from the crown now that the queen would no longer be wearing it. He went on at some length until the narrator cut him short. I wondered how he could have the temerity to ask those questions.

Stephanie Lee Duru on Algoa FM is an example of a happy morning person. However, I found it insensitiv­e how Lee described the queen’s funeral proceeding­s on Monday. It was a sad day and she was talking about how long the body could be in the coffin. It was the last thing we wanted to discuss and was lacking in respect towards the passing of a queen.

Rob, Walmer

If nothing else, Queen Elizabeth has taught us that women should be respected as mothers of all. She showed the world how to respect all and everyone. All women are queens as we entrust them to rear and teach our children. Women are the backbone of our lives and steadfastn­ess in difficult times. Rightfully she also proved that, king or queen, you earn the same respect.

Erich, Port Alfred Congratula­tions to The Herald on joining the Commonweal­th and the rest of the world in reporting on the death and subsequent state funeral of her late majesty, Queen Elizabeth 2. Sadly, her Platinum Jubilee celebratio­n a few months ago was a non-event to this newspaper.

Felicity, Greenacres MEW, I support your Chirp “Jansen off the mark” .I too will be cancelling my subscripti­on should The Herald continue publishing columns written by Jansen.



I would not be surprised if the Guptas had rigged up cameras and audio recorders in the lounge where they had meetings and where bribe money

[allegedly] exchanged hands. Perhaps the ‘stooges’ were then later warned that, should they testify against the Guptas, they too would go down!



Whatever happened to apprentice­ship for school leavers where one could genuinely learn the job?



Re the Charles and Camilla cartoon that caused an uproar, I thought the cartoon was hilarious! Derrick Nesbitt is excellent. Obviously we all have a different sense of humour, but in this day and age, see the funny side or turn the page.

Anne R, Summerstra­nd


Re “Australia raises refereeing concerns with World Rugby” (September 20), the New Zealand coach has done so as well. Why do they cry now? They were the ones who cried when Rassie Erasmus raised concerns about the way referees had handled games. L McLeod

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