The Herald (South Africa)

Decoding diets

Atkins, Banting, Caveman — or cabbage soup ... do you know how to run your dietary needs?


5:2 Diet

Eat what you want five days a week. Send your body to starvation mode for two. This is based on the idea that you can eat what you like on the two days “off” and make up for it through the five days “on”.


The Atkins diet works on the theory that if you don’t eat carbohydra­tes, your body will start burning fat for energy, leading to rapid weight loss.

During the first phase of the diet, you’re on a proteinric­h diet with no restrictio­ns on fatso this one is for the carnivores.

You’ll need to say no to sugar and potatoes.


DASH stands for Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertensi­on.

Hypertensi­on, or abnormally high blood pressure, is common in SA and often is a precursor for heart disease and stroke.

The DASH diet relies on lowering your sodium intake to no more than 2,300mg a day, or in layman’s terms, cut back on the salt! DASH also encourages you to eat more vegetables, fruits, whole grains, lean protein, and lowfat dairy, and to steer clear of sweets, red meat and excessive salt.


Detox diets are a spectrum that sweeps from master cleansing, juice and fruit fasts and raw foodism through to clean eating.

They all centre on kicking rubbish off your plate.

The idea is to give your body a break from the “toxins” in processed and junk foods, as well as those found in alcohol, caffeine and sugar. Clean eating is “detox lite”.


The Mediterran­ean diet is generally high in fruits and vegetables, fish, and whole grains like whole wheat and brown rice. It is also low on red meat and dairy.


The Paleo diet is also nicknamed the caveman diet because it is based on the foods our ancestors supposedly ate: fruits, vegetables, herbs, seeds, meats and animal fats, eggs, seafood and nuts.

You’ll need to give up coffee and chocolate, and all processed foods.


Members are guided towards their goal weight through weekly meetings that focus on health and weight management.

In general, you eat a normal healthy diet, but with smaller portions and less fat and sugar.


The Weight Watchers plan is based on a point rating system, which gives a value to foods and drink based on protein, carbs, fat and fibre content.

The Weight Watchers Plan is essentiall­y a calorie-controlled diet where you get apersonal daily Smart Points allowance. (Collated from: US News and World Report, Britain’s NHS and the individual diet websites)

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