The Hilton



Make up mantras. You are not alone. We’re all in this together. These aren’t just snappy sayings for T-shirts, they’re positive affirmatio­ns that can be a powerful tool in helping to shape your outlook. Pick one that resonates with you and repeat it often.

Focus on successes. Rememberin­g challenges you have overcome in the past can help inspire you to face future roadblocks. Tough times can become learning opportunit­ies.

Challenge your negative thoughts. We can’t always choose what happens to us, but we can choose the way we respond to it. Reframe the situation and see what possible positive outcomes there are.

Cultivate an attitude of gratitude. Start or end your day with a gratitude practice. Write down three things you are grateful for each day, or partner with a loved one and share them out loud. Gratitude trains your brain to see the positive.

Connect with positive people. Social connection contribute­s to happiness and is strongly correlated with optimism. Seek out the company of people who make you feel good and fuel your positive energy. Likewise, limit interactio­ns with those who leave you feeling drained or pessimisti­c.

Pay it forward. Performing acts of random kindness for others is a great way to boost your happiness. In addition, those you help and even those who simply witness your kind gestures will also benefit. Learn more about using kindness as a coping skill here.

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