The Independent on Saturday

Sharing hate-filled posts just makes matters worse

- From: HEALER E-mail

THE fallout from the recent “racist” incident at Spur confirmed my suspicions: South Africans have turned into a bunch of mindless individual­s who are raising monsters. I’m sorry, but it’s true.

I would’ve reacted just like both of those parents if I were in either of their shoes. Someone attacked me like that once because I would not let my kids play with hers, so I simply closed my door and got on with my day without rising to the bait. Sadly, we did not gain social media fame since the story didn’t make it on to social media because we were both the same race.

Nobody likes to hear their little angel is wrong. But the problem is that we, as parents, are happy to dump our kids in the playroom while we sit and drink and forget we are adults. That’s after leaving them at school for eight hours a day. Of course they are going to act out.

Kids need attention from their parents. They need to be taught how to behave in public. Not only do you put your kids at risk of bullying by palming them off on the childminde­rs in the play area (a cesspool for germs!), you also put them at risk of problems later on.

Kids feel frustrated at the lack of attention they get from their parents, and they don’t know how to channel it into productive outlets, so they bully. With poor parental guidance, we are raising a lost generation.

To the keyboard warriors who think you’re doing the world a favour by sharing hate-filled posts, you’re not. You are only making matters worse and it’s our kids who suffer at the end of the day. Yes, I agree both parents were in the wrong. Yes, Spur could’ve handled it better. Both those parents were silly to bring race into a childish issue, but their parents failed to teach them better. But you, keyboard warrior, should know better.

If I tell you you are wrong and so is your entire race, are you going to change? Are you going to back down? No, you’re not. If your children’s future really matters to you, stop fooling yourself.

Hurt people hurt people. Let’s stop the hurt. If a person is being racist, show them how to be a better person by being the better person and not by sharing their pathetic posts to highlight their stupidity.

Here’s how you handle problemati­c social media posts:

1. Report it to the social network (it’s really easy) and to the authoritie­s if it promotes hate speech, crime or violence. 2. Block the person in question. 3. Move on with your life. Change starts with you. If you can’t do the above, then you’re not capable of raising well-adjusted kids who will make this beautiful country a safe, welcoming place and build a strong global economy.

And to Spur: Please close down those damn play areas. They are more trouble than they are worth and getting rid of them will help heal the country. You could build a family room, where parents can sit with their kids playing nearby. RJ’s have a concept like that and you never see sugar-crazed brats running around, knocking waiters off their feet.

You’re a family restaurant, so start promoting families eating together, and doing things that make people and the country grow into a thriving rainbow nation.

 ??  ?? HEATED: A video grab of the Spur incident.
HEATED: A video grab of the Spur incident.

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