The Independent on Saturday

Some pain for Bain at the Nugent inquiry

- William Saunderson-Meyer Follow WSM on Twitter @ TheJaundic­edEye

MANAGEMENT consultant­s are the people who borrow your watch to tell you the time and then charge you for it.

I know, that’s a really old joke, rehashed also as the subtitle of Martin Kihn’s House of Lies, the book and then TV series about the amoral world of advice for hire. But the reason that the jest has remained spry beyond pensionabl­e age is that it continues to ring true.

This is a business sector with $600 billion in worldwide annual earnings, so some management consultant­s presumably do deliver value for money. However, many are simply fast-talking, soft-shoe shuffling hucksters with zero ethics, adding little real value to the organisati­ons they purport to aid.

In many cases, they do damage, but most failures are swept under the carpet. No CEO is keen to draw to the attention of shareholde­rs that the supposedly innovative strategy or organisati­onal changes sold to them at eye-watering cost by a team of consultant­s, has turned out to be a crock of crud.

Consultanc­y is big in South Africa. Many are one-person operations, the experts hired by government department­s to do the actual work that deployed cadres and nepotistic appointees are too incompeten­t or lazy to do. In many cases, these “consultant­s” are the very same people who were initially employed in the post, but who have taken retrenchme­nt packages offered to get rid workers of the wrong hue.

In 2015, national and provincial department­s spent R30 billion on consultant­s to do the work that the country’s 1.3 million public servants are supposed to do. Last month, our embattled national carrier, SAA, admitted to paying R16 million in executive consultanc­y fees. This included R10m for three people working on a six-month contract. Nice gravy, if you can get it.

But it is the big consultanc­y firms that are the scoundrels. The entire state capture project of the Gupta-axis was facilitate­d by ostensibly respectabl­e internatio­nal “profession­al services” companies – consultant­s and auditors – that were exposed as being amoral, greedy and sometimes corrupt.

KPMG’s South African operation was brought to its knees, losing 20 listed-company audit clients and having to retrench 400 employees, after becomingly mired in the state capture saga. KPMG did some nifty number work on the accounts of various Gupta companies, including writing off R30m in wedding costs as a business expense. It also churned out, on command, a controvers­ial, apparently entirely fabricated forensic report that was used to get rid of SA Revenue Service (Sars) officials resistant to colluding with Gupta corruption.

Then it was the turn of McKinsey, which earned R1.6bn in consultanc­y fees from its very dubious work with Eskom. It has now repaid the money, following the National Prosecutin­g Authority ruling that the payments were illegal, involving crimes such as fraud, theft, corruption and money laundering.

And this week it became the turn of Bain & Company, one of the world’s most prestigiou­s consulting firms. Bain has come under scrutiny at the public hearings of the commission of inquiry into Sars, chaired by retired Judge Robert Nugent. At best, the evidence makes the consultant­s look like buffoons. At worst, they look like mercenarie­s for hire, tailoring their advice to suit the political agenda of their client.

Bain is said to have failed to consult knowledgea­ble Sars staff when remodellin­g critical units at Sars, reports Legalbrief. Its diagnostic report, which led to a dramatic structural overhaul, “was fraught with misleading, inaccurate and outdated statements”.

Five top Sars officials gave evidence of how Bain’s restructur­ing had “neutralise­d” the crucial units dealing with enforcemen­t, litigation and customs. These units handled the sensitive and complex cases, those of high-profile individual­s, the illicit economy, and organised crime, such as poaching, drugs, cigarette smuggling and gangs.

Bain’s masterful interventi­on, which cost Sars a mere R200m, made this highly specialise­d work “fragmented” and “factory-like”, the inquiry was told. Witnesses testified that the unit dealing with sensitive and high-value cases was “effectivel­y killed overnight”.

Because of the resulting decline in enforcemen­t efficiency, Sars potentiall­y lost “hundreds of millions of rand” in unpaid taxes. Sars has had a revenue shortfall of R100bn over the past four years.

According to one affidavit read at the inquiry, the Baininspir­ed fragmentat­ion of the debt management division put Sars in a “row boat”, while the errant taxpayer was in a “speed boat”.

We have yet to hear Bain’s response to the claims.

The firm, which has been dubbed the “KGB of consulting” because of its secretiven­ess – clients are given code names, consultant­s are sworn to silence – will give evidence next week.

Look out for the Bain team on television. They’ll be the guys in sharp suits and designer balaclavas. Maybe, they’ll be inspired, like McKinsey to bring a refund cheque.

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