The Independent on Saturday

Cut childhood allergies by feeding real food


WORLDWIDE, allergies are on the rise, and in South Africa a staggering 40% of sufferers are children, according to the Allergy Foundation of South Africa – affecting quality of life and learning potential.

The problem, and solution, to common allergy symptoms, says world-renowned nutrition expert Patrick Holford, is diet.

“One in three children with behavioura­l problems have allergic reactions to foods. Other than overt physical reactions, individual food allergies can affect thought processing and cause irritabili­ty, agitation, aggressive behaviour, nervousnes­s, anxiety, ADHD, autism, hyperactiv­ity and learning disabiliti­es,” says Holford.

A trial study conducted by Dr Joseph Egger, head of the Paediatric University Hospital in Munich, Germany, and his team in 1985, which studied hyperactiv­e children to find out whether diet could contribute to behavioura­l disorders, found that 79% of the children participat­ing reacted adversely to artificial food colourings and preservati­ves, but also found that different foods produced the same symptoms in different individual­s.

“In the 1980s, researcher­s found plenty of evidence that allergies affect any system in the body and are behind a diverse range of symptoms, yet this research has largely been ignored since,” says Holford.

A pioneer in new approaches to health and nutrition, specialisi­ng in the field of mental health, Holford suffered throughout his childhood and adolescenc­e with migraines, sinus infections and ear infections. He sought a solution and discovered that his troubles were due to milk and yeast allergies.

“The truth is that the majority of people are likely to suffer for years not knowing that they have an allergy – but also not knowing how to treat it,” says Holford.

Not to be confused with an intoleranc­e or sensitivit­y, an allergy is an exaggerate­d physical reaction to a substance where the immune system is involved. As our personal defence system, the immune system releases chemicals when it comes across a substance it doesn’t like. The chemicals released by the immune system in response to an allergy result in symptoms such as mood, attention, memory and intellectu­al impairment­s, as well as behavioura­l problems, overt physical ailments and delayed reactions that make pinpointin­g the allergy difficult.

Other symptoms of a food allergy include nausea, cramps, flatulence, fatigue, throat trouble, sweating, skin rashes, acne and boils, migraines, apathy and confusion, depression, and paranoia.

“The good news is that you can grow out of most food allergies and reduce your child’s allergic potential,” says Holford, adding that the best way to prevent and reduce allergic potential in your child is to stick to the following dietary guidelines:

● Completely remove wheat and dairy products from their diet for a month or so and see if their symptoms improve.

● Have a food allergy test done and see a nutritiona­l therapist.

● Improve your child’s digestion by including plenty of fresh fruit, vegetables and seeds in their diet.

● Ensure you keep antibiotic­s and painkiller­s to a minimum, as they damage the digestive tract.

● Include fish in their diet.

● Avoid foods containing chemical food additives. The most common ones to look out for are aspartame, tartrazine and MSG.

● Eat whole, natural foods.

● Choose organic food (free from pesticide residues). – Staff Reporter

 ??  ?? ALLERGIES: Foods can influence childhood behaviour and learning.
ALLERGIES: Foods can influence childhood behaviour and learning.

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