The Independent on Saturday

Smart watch, smart health

Experts say fitness ‘wearables’ really are worth investing in if you want to get moving


FROM the cheapest pedometer to swanky smart watches, a dazzling array of fitness “wearables” on the market claim to do everything from counting the number of steps you take to analysing how you sleep.

And the experts say they really are worth investing in if you want to get moving.

“Trackers give you feedback about your activity levels and allow you to set goals, and the research suggests these elements can be very motivating,” says Dr James Sanders, a research associate in digital health technology at Loughborou­gh University.

But can they keep all the promises they make? “Newer trackers measure heart rate using photopleth­ysmography, which works on the basis that blood reflects red light and absorbs green light,” explains Sanders.

“Green lights on wearables pass through the skin, and when the blood is pumped through your capillarie­s it changes the amount of light returned to a sensor. The tracker is programmed to use this to determine your heart rate.

“But signals can be distorted by intense activity, skin pigmentati­on or wearing lotions and tissue-on-tissue compressio­n,” he adds.

So how do you find a wearable that works for you? I put five devices to the test, and based on my experience and Sanders’ comments then rated them.

Motiv smart ring, R3 643,

CLAIM: Tracks heart rate, steps, sleep, and calories burnt. VERDICT: The least obtrusive wearable I tried, it’s comfortabl­e overnight and water-resistant.

Its sleep tracking seemed accurate – the easy-to-navigate graph on my app the next morning was correct when it came to the time I’d nodded off and woke up, showing six-and-ahalf hours sleep.

Unfortunat­ely, it’s not for gym lovers: it was uncomforta­ble when I leaned on my hands during a downward dog in yoga, never mind lifting weights or attempting a pull up.

Sanders warns: “The small size may make the ring appealing, but it’s unclear how day-to-day activities – such as typing – may affect its step measuremen­ts. And the three-day battery life means people need to remove it often to charge. 6/10

Samsung Gear IconX, R3 277,

CLAIM: Wireless earphones log distance and calories burnt. And a built-in coach also offers encouragem­ent.

VERDICT: I was excited to try these but sadly, as an iPhone user, I couldn’t make the most of them. The five-hour battery life would not see you through the day and, as Sanders points out, “as they are primarily for listening to music, you would be taking them out regularly, which may limit the accuracy of your activity data”. 5/10

Fitbit Charge 3, R2 380, CLAIM: Tracks steps, distance and calories; issues reminders to move. Automatica­lly recognises different exercises and sleep stages. VERDICT: This straddles the gap between simple fitness tracker and elite smart watch, at a reasonable price. It’s easy to use, waterproof and the changeable wristbands meant I could wear a rubber strap in the pool and switch to a prettier fabric band the rest of the day.

Once a week the app emailed me an update of my weekly achievemen­ts, which was motivating and meant I didn’t feel ‘tied’ to checking my stats constantly. It seemed accurate on sleep.

The only downside is it can’t map runs as it doesn’t have GPS. Sanders says the idle alert – a vibration when you haven’t moved enough – and reviewing your progress on the watch face can help with motivation ‘on the go’. 8/10

Bellabeat Leaf Urban, R2 380,

CLAIM: Tracks steps, distance, calories, sleep and stress. VERDICT: Bulky, it got in the way when worn round my neck, snagged on clothes when on my wrist, and fell off while I walked with it on my waistband.

I found it underestim­ated my sleep patterns, telling me I’d had four hours when other trackers showed I’d had six-and-a-half hours and, based on that, it upped my stress score the following day – which would have made me feel more anxious if I didn’t know better.

I wanted to like this, but all I noticed was what it couldn’t do and that at this price it should do. 3/10

Garmin Vivoactive 3 Music, R5 099 on

CLAIM: Tracks steps, heart rate, stress, sleep and sports including yoga, golf and skiing. Monitors fitness by estimating VO2 max (the maximum rate of oxygen consumptio­n during exercise). VERDICT: This has something for everyone. The music feature and GPS mean you can leave your phone at home when exercising.

The sleep tracking was good – it even recognised me waking slightly around 5.30 one morning when my husband got up for work. But it’s not faultless, as it thought I was asleep when I was just reading in bed.

“The music element may help with motivation during exercise,” says Sanders.

“VO2 max reflects cardioresp­iratory fitness and is a strong indicator of health – although how accurately this measures it is unclear.” 9/10

 ??  ?? INVESTING in a smart watch is more than a fashion statement – they can keep your health on track. | Bloomberg
INVESTING in a smart watch is more than a fashion statement – they can keep your health on track. | Bloomberg

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