The Independent on Saturday


- Barbara Kiselev

If today is your birthday:

A good time to think about things. As they are, as you would like them to be. This new year determines your purpose, because despite the circumstan­ce you can achieve much. It’s all about the goals you choose. Choose wisely.

Aries (21 March-20 April)

Don’t let go of the dream, it is something to keep you going, having something to be striving for. So no matter what constraint­s are out there you can be assured you can achieve your desire. So don’t give it up.

Taurus (21 April-21 May)

Best pay attention to the details, or things can run away from you. So keep to the program and don’t let go of your ideals. This week you need to look closer, maybe you’ve been derailed, time to get back on track.

Gemini (22 May-21 June)

You thought you were on your way, now you’re questionin­g everything. Time to reflect, reassess. To re-draw your map, and pursue the goals that matter, not just what other people want. So reboot your plans, change the finish line.

Cancer (22 June-23 July)

Somehow you need to change the way you do things. It was not working out, now you need to make it work. Work for you, work towards a clear goal. Whatever you’ve held on to, you need to turn things around.

Leo (24 July-23 August)

Things have been nothing if not challengin­g, but you always have a plan. Don’t be distracted from your purpose, keep to those dreams. Somehow you can make new decisions, create a new game plan. So time to do the groundwork.

Virgo (24 August-23 September)

This week much is asked of you, But it’s always that way. So take the time to make a plan that works, and work towards it. Never let go of the passion for positive change. So maybe you’ll have the answer.

Libra (24 September-23 October)

You’ve been striving for something important, but somehow you can’t get there. This week is all about reaching those goals, getting rewards for your efforts, and finally getting there. So eye on the prize, you won’t falter. So make that final push.

Scorpio (24 October-22 November)

So you were on your way and then you got distracted. Time to re-commit to action. Nothing you can’t do, it’s the way you like things. A small challenge, a big challenge. Nothing you can’t do. So time to measure your response.

Sagittariu­s (23 November-21 December)

Oh boy! You got your work cut out for you this week. No resting on your laurels here. A good time to see what you want, who you think you are. So don’t let go, you can be all of that and more.

Capricorn (22 December-20 January)

Change your attitude, change your circumstan­ce. This week is all about making an impact and not letting things get you down. There is much to be worried about, but somehow you can change the name of the game. To suit yourself.

Aquarius (21 January-19 February)

The last time you looked things were very different, now everything is upside down. Best to keep to your initial plans, don’t let them get behind. All you wanted before is still possible. You did the work, now you can get the results.

Pisces (20 February-20 March)

Somehow you have to face facts, change is all around. The time is now to take action, and create a new narrative. A new way of doing things, in a time of new things. The new normal will keep you on your toes.

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