The Independent on Saturday



OF ALL the things that could have caused Ashley Murcia to come undone, she did not expect it to be tacos.

The 42-year-old, who lives in Sycamore, Illinois, had mostly kept it together for the past 11 months. She’d been holding things down at her marketing job, making sure her two kids were logged in for virtual school and keeping her family clothed and fed, and virus-free.

Because her husband works in the evenings, Murcia also cooked all of the meals. At first, she loved planning out new recipes weeks in advance. The only mainstay was Taco Tuesday, her kids’ favourite. It was fine, until one day last month when suddenly it wasn’t.

She was out of meal-planning ideas. She was sick of all her previous meal ideas. She was especially sick of tacos.

Cooking, cleaning up. Cooking, cleaning up. The quotidian cycle of pandemic living had become overwhelmi­ng – and not just in an ugh, chores way. It felt more existentia­l. How much longer? How many more Taco Tuesdays? “I just reached my limit,” she says.

Murcia had run headlong into the pandemic wall, a term popularise­d by New York Public Radio host Tanzina Vega to capture the particular and sudden feeling of spiritual and emotional exhaustion with life during Covid times.

“Hitting the wall” is a running metaphor, describing the phenomenon of suddenly running out of energy partly through a long race. And the pandemic has been a super-marathon: we’re heading toward Month 12, one complete lap around the calendar.

“It kind of felt like I was just running until the end of the year, and that January time frame hit, and that wall was in front of me,” Murcia says.

The year 2020 was cursed; this is widely acknowledg­ed. But New Year’s Day brought little relief. The first month of this year felt a lot like the 13th month of last year.

The pandemic wall pops up at different times for different people, but for a vast group of people, the wall has smacked them in the face in the past three weeks.

“It’s just chronic overstimul­ation,” says Imogene Cancellare, a 33-yearold biologist in Charles Town, West Virginia, who was so worn down by the last week of January that she was convinced she had Covid. When her test came back negative, she realised she was just hitting her wall.

“Your body and your mind and

all aspects of you are suddenly a little overwhelme­d,” she says. “It results in people feeling kind of numb.”

In marathon running, “hitting the wall” is predictabl­e – as are the rewards for powering through to the other side.

Many runners hit the wall at about the 29- or 32km mark because of simple physiologi­cal maths: “Our bodies store about 1 800 to 2 000 calories worth of glycogen in our muscles and liver,” Runner’s World explains. “On average, we use about 100 calories per mile when running, depending upon run pace and body mass.”

Marathoner­s know that the finish line is not all that far past the wall, at 42km. We have no idea how close we are to the end of the pandemic. The vaccines are here; so are the variants. Herd immunity might be further away than health officials had hoped. Are we hitting the wall at Kilometre 32? Or are we still on Kilometre 22?

When the coronaviru­s first shut everything down in March, many people thought the finish line was two weeks away. The goalposts for reopening kept moving, and there’s still no firm answer.

Through it all, Chris Garland, 49, has been driving his bus route. Most days, he gets only a handful of passengers. Sometimes, he drives a completely empty bus. Both feel equally depressing: he either worries his passengers will infect him or, laments how many passengers he has lost – people he used to see every day and considered friends.

For a long time he described himself as the optimist in his social circles, motivating his family and colleagues to keep going, day after day. But one day last month, he was bicycling through the streets of his neighbourh­ood on his day off. Even though his bus route took him past closed and boarded-up businesses every day, he finally recognised the magnitude of the loss that had been accumulati­ng all around him.

And that’s when it hit him – or rather, when he hit it. The wall.

“This fear of being around one another – that that fear is not going to go away in eight months,” he says. The realisatio­n made him pull over and start to cry. “The people who I was trying to console and keep upbeat – now it’s official, I’m one of those people.”

“Many people were, at some level, hoping that vaccinatio­ns would change these things,” says Lynn Bufka, senior director of practice transforma­tion and quality at the American Psychologi­cal Associatio­n.

The arrival of coronaviru­s variants, first identified in Britain, Brazil and South Africa, threaten to thwart humanity’s hope for deus ex vaccina and extend the pandemic.

Those who do get vaccinated may be disappoint­ed to find out how little it changes things. Many businesses are still closed or operating under strict health guidelines.

The rise of variants requires vigilance for those who wish to protect themselves – and others, because vaccinated people may still be able to carry and transmit the virus.

“I guess my mentality was, everyone’s going to get vaccinated, and everything’s going to be fine,” says Paula Tomlinson, 60, who lives outside Tampa, Florida, and received both doses of her vaccine. “But I don’t see that happening at all.”

Chronic uncertaint­y is bad for our mental health. When we’re stressed or anxious, finding something we have control over can make us feel a little bit better. For all the hope vaccines have brought in theory, uncertaint­y reigns.

So how are we supposed to power through the wall?

Therapists often say that one of the ways to get through tough times is to cultivate gratitude. Many of the people hitting the wall are employed, fed and healthy. That doesn’t diminish their suffering – everyone is struggling in a different way – but Bufka encourages them to try to look at all they have.

In their bleaker moments, some of the people who are approachin­g their pandemic wall might turn to the same advice given to runners. Distract yourself. Try “positive self-talk”. Ask for help. Eat some more carbs. When all else fails, just put one foot in front of the other.

It can be overwhelmi­ngly dull. Murcia, for example, said she would be thrilled “if I never saw another taco in my life.”

And what was she planning to have for dinner that Tuesday?


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UBHUKO Lukamenzi3 By Mandisa Buthelezi is part of the exhibition Commune at the KZNSA.
 ??  ?? THE movie System K is showing at the Alliance Francaise this week.
THE movie System K is showing at the Alliance Francaise this week.
 ??  ?? TUESDAY tacos, and how they led to a meltdown.
TUESDAY tacos, and how they led to a meltdown.

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