The Independent on Saturday



jonisayi.maromo@africannew­ A ZIMBABWEAN teacher based in the UK, Martin William Chinyanga is set to be tried by a British court after he was charged with encouragin­g terrorism through his Facebook posts.

The outspoken Chinyanga, 50, a resident of north London, was charged under the UK’s Terrorism Act in January with four counts of posting online videos encouragin­g terrorism.

Referred to by state media in

Zimbabwe as an activist of the opposition Movement for Democratic Change Alliance, Chinyanga was arrested on February 25 last year by officers from the London Metropolit­an Counter Terrorism Command and appeared in court last month.

UK media reported that last week that Chinyanga had appeared briefly at the Old Bailey.

His preparator­y hearing is set for May 28, while January 10, 2022 is the provisiona­l trial date.

During last week’s preliminar­y hearing, Chinyanga only confirmed his name, address and date of birth.

The online videos were posted on Facebook in December 2019.

The videos encouraged viewers to burn down petrol stations and businesses in Zimbabwe’s capital, Harare to put “pressure” on the government led by Zanu-PF’s Emmerson Mnangagwa.

The matter was reported to the UK authoritie­s, resulting in Chinyanga’s arrest.

In Zimbabwe, The Herald reported that Chinyanga had had previous brushes with the law.

In 2015, he was arrested and detained at London’s Charing Cross police station for being part of a group that held an illegal demonstrat­ion at the Zimbabwean embassy.

According to media reports at the time, Chinyanga was questioned about trespassin­g and illegally entering the Zimbabwean embassy three times in less than three months.

Chinyanga was also detained for resisting arrest when he was picked up at the time.

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