The Independent on Saturday



WHETHER you’re on the red-eye flight and all you want to do is catch 40 winks before you land, the last thing you need is to have to deal with an annoying passenger seated next to you.

Even though you carefully selected your seat, you just never know who your seatmate will be.

If you’re lucky, you may get a well-behaved seatmate who mind their business and doesn’t hog the armrests or take up the entire space.

Sadly those are few and far between.

Here’s how to deal with different offenders:

The chatterbox


There are times that you might be in the mood to chat with the person next to you. Especially if they are interestin­g (or hot) and conversati­on flows naturally. That, however, is rare. Most of the time you will find a chatterbox who won’t stop talking about his/her problems.

The best way to nip that in the bud is to politely greet, make the usual small talk, and make it clear (in a nice way) that you have work to do or need to catch some sleep. Earplugs and eye masks are your best defence. They are the solution to pretty much any onboard issues.


Everybody understand­s the need for comfort on a flight but reclining your seat all the way back with no considerat­ion for the person sitting behind you is downright rude.

It’s especially annoying when you have your tray table down for whatever reason, whether it be for eating,

The inconsider­ate recliner

working or simply watching a movie.

The best way to deal with these inconsider­ate recliners is to politely ask them to move their seat up. Most of the time the person will oblige… with a grumble of course.

3 The back kicker/unruly kid/crying baby

Back kicker kids are probably the most annoying passengers to have behind you and the only way to get them off your back is to approach the parent. Whatever you do, do NOT interact with the child.

Turn to the parent and make them aware of the situation and ask that the child be stopped from doing so.

Most of the time you’ll hear the parent reprimand the kid. There are a few little ones who might need to be reminded a couple of times. However, if the parent is not able to get through to the child, ask the flight attendant if it’s possible for you to be moved.

This is something that can resolve many other issues with pesky little passengers – especially when it comes to crying babies.

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