The Independent on Saturday


- Barbara Kiselev

If today is your birthday:

This new year if you can dream it, you can make it happen. So go for broke, go for that love, give your all. Turns out a good year for good things. It’s that simple: it’s all good. For you and yours.

Aries (21 March-20 April)

It’s down to the wire and so be prepared for anything. So this week make sure you know what you want out of life. Then it’s clear you’re on your way, and you can handle anything sent your way.

Taurus (21 April-21 May)

Sometimes you need motivation, sometimes you’re inspired. This week you’re rocking it. So take all those good things in your life, and make the best of them. And maybe try something new, you never know where you may land up .

Gemini (22 May-21 June)

The sun has moved into your sun sign today. So it’s all about you today, and this next month. So make the best of it, good things await. You can find love, you can see the way forward. So go for it.

Cancer (22 June-23 July)

A good time to make important decisions. The time is right for all of it to work out for you. So see where you want to be in the future. Maybe a new you, a new relationsh­ip. It’s all good.

Leo (24 July-23 August)

This week you can get excited about what’s to come your way. So how about a new energy, for a new way of doing things. Somehow you’re getting all the results you always wanted. You’ve never felt better. Enjoy!

Virgo (24 August-23 September)

Imagine this! You’re on your way, everything going your way. Turns out not so hard, all you need is to be yourself. So this week opens up things in your life, and you can expect good things to come your way.

Libra (24 September-23 October)

Your friends are always important to you. So this week take to heart what they say. They know you best. Who knows? Maybe they can help you turn things around. In an instant you’re on your way, nothing can stop you.

Scorpio (24 October-22 November)

Oh boy! Hectic is the only way to describe it! This week you’re in the thick of it. But your success depends on a steely heart. So make sure you know all your options, and that you choose the best way.

Sagittariu­s (23 November-21 December)

Finally! There is someone new on the horizon. All it takes is to be ready for love, and love will be yours. So open up your heart, and open your arms, and you can accept something amazing in your life.

Capricorn (22 December-20 January)

What to do? There’s no question, you have to give it all. Everything. When you risk it all, you can get it all. And maybe more. So this week how about some risky behaviour? It will pay off. It always does.

Aquarius (21 January-19 February)

’I love you’. Words you haven’t heard for a while. This week there’s someone saying it. So don’t let it pass you by, and, moreover, give your love back. It can only be good. And it’s there for you.

Pisces (20 February-20 March)

All it takes is to be sure of yourself. No more being wishy washy, you’re determined to get it done. And this week there’s nothing standing in your way. So it’s all happening, don’t let it catch you napping.

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