The Independent on Saturday

Common sense needed while vaccine rolls out


ALTHOUGH most of us have, albeit grudgingly, become used to the new normal of wearing masks, sanitising and keeping away from people not in our immediate circle, wouldn't it be great to return to the old normal?

When we could go out without fear, without glasses fogging up while wearing masks, without sanitiser becoming an important addition to handbags, car glove compartmen­ts and shopping lists?

Well, after nearly a year-and-ahalf, the successful roll-out of Phase 2 of South Africa’s vaccinatio­n programme gives us hope that we could be on the cusp of beating Covid-19.

By yesterday, more than 120 000 people over 60 would have received the shot.

Although the signs are encouragin­g, it will be a while yet before herd immunity is reached (when 60% of the population is vaccinated).

Therefore, as we have warned time and again, this is not the time to let our guard down, and we must continue taking all the precaution­s.

Bringing people together to party in large numbers, when a third wave of infections has been confirmed in some provinces, is irresponsi­ble in the extreme and still a big nono. Calling it a "3rd Wave Party" indicates the organisers have little common sense and no conscience.

Come on, people, we should know better by now.

We cannot run a vaccine programme on the one hand, and gather people together in circumstan­ces where the lack of infection control is guaranteed on the other.

We will never win at that rate. My appeal to all readers is to register and get vaccinated at the earliest opportunit­y, and continue taking all sensible precaution­s.

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