The Independent on Saturday

How to maintain a healthy vegan/vegetarian d iet


ARE we really going to get healthier and find all the nutrition we need in plants? More consumers are choosing to move away from animal-based diets for the protection of the environmen­t and the humane treatment of animals.

The desire to feel good about what we eat has fuelled the vegetarian and vegan trends.

According to Tabitha Hume, a registered dietician and spokespers­on for the South African Associatio­n for Dietetics, a vegan is someone who adheres to the principle of doing no harm. They will not use/eat anything derived from an animal. A vegetarian is someone who will not eat animal flesh but will eat eggs and dairy products.

However, adopting a plant-based lifestyle necessitat­es gaining knowledge of what can go wrong, and getting the balance right.

Vegans rarely have difficulty getting enough protein thanks to the huge variety of meat replacemen­ts now available, such as tofu, tempeh, beans, lentils and chickpeas.

Healthy tips to help you start eating a vegan/vegetarian diet:

Bacteria in the soil produce vitamin B12, which is then consumed by animals and given to meat eaters. However, vegans may not get enough B12. B12 is typically found in fortified foods such as soy milk, almond milk, nutritiona­l yeast and Marmite.

It’s advisable to take a vitamin B12 supplement as an insurance policy, particular­ly as we age because vitamin B12 is less readily absorbed (regardless of whether you consume meat).

It’s recommende­d that all vegans have an annual blood test to check their iron levels. However, it is easier than you think to get the recommende­d daily amount of iron from vegan- and vegetarian-friendly food.

Good sources are kale, spinach, black treacle, dried apricots and nuts. Tofu and legumes also contain iron but have substances that can hinder the full absorption of iron. Should your iron levels be low, a supplement is recommende­d.

Calcium is another element that those contemplat­ing changing to a vegan diet may be concerned about. However, ample calcium can be obtained from broccoli, kale, grains and fortified dairy substitute­s. As with meat-eaters, if you are underweigh­t or have a history of osteoporos­is, a calcium supplement is recommende­d.

Because your body cannot produce omega 3 fatty acids, they must be obtained from food sources such as fish. Fortunatel­y, it’s simple to include a supplement of flaxseed oil.

Flax seeds and flaxseed oil include the precursor to both omega 3 and 6. You could also add a tablespoon of ground flax seeds to your morning smoothie or cereal.

Some people believe “if it’s vegan it’s healthy and slimming”. This is not true – the balance must still be maintained. Eating healthy carbohydra­tes rather than junk food is crucial. Vegan foods can still contain a lot of fat and be just as fattening as fast food. For instance, coconut cheese made from plants tastes wonderful but contains significan­t levels of saturated fat.

A nutritioni­st can help you ensure that your diet is balanced and contains everything your body needs.

Similar to the way learning a new language involves practice and repetition until it becomes second nature, profession­al guidance is needed before you decide to cut out animal products and “go vegan” overnight.

 ?? ?? CHICKPEAS, beans and greens can help make a nutritious, balanced vegan meal.
CHICKPEAS, beans and greens can help make a nutritious, balanced vegan meal.

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