The Independent on Saturday

Politician­s must simply ‘do a better job’

- GRANT DUNCAN The Conversati­on Duncan is a visiting scholar in politics at City, University of London

MANY western countries have seen a decline of trust in government and politician­s. But if you’re one of the distrustfu­l majority, that may not be such a bad thing.

In a 2021 survey, just 24.5% of respondent­s across Organisati­on for Economic Co-operation and Developmen­t (OECD) countries said they trust political parties. National polls show similar results, particular­ly in the wake of scandals involving politician­s misbehavin­g. Longer-term systemic failures and incompeten­ce in public services don’t help either.

The OECD has offered some sound ideas on how to reinforce democracy and rebuild trust: be transparen­t about donations; increase citizen participat­ion in the democratic process; and listen to people especially the disadvanta­ged. I’d add that using proportion­al representa­tion in elections.

But political trust is paradoxica­l. Dictators expect to be trusted unconditio­nally, too. So history has taught us that no one should be trusted with power unless it’s limited in scope and tenure. Hence, democracie­s separate powers, hold elections and prosecute corrupt public servants. Democratic constituti­ons are premised on distrust of the powerful.

In a representa­tive system, the many have entrusted the few with powers to make law and form a government. But this is a conditiona­l trust, interwoven with scepticism about misconduct and abuses of power. Historical experience proves that a strong dose of distrust is good for democracy. Self-evidently, trustworth­y leaders are preferable but that doesn’t mean trusting them unconditio­nally once they’re in power.

People talk metaphoric­ally of “building” trust, but trust isn’t a “thing” that’s literally broken and rebuilt. It is relational and reciprocal. Political trust is about an underlying “deal” that keeps a society together and functionin­g. Since the 17th century this has often been called a “social contract” by which those who govern are entrusted with powers, but only if they aim for the security and wellbeing of the people they represent. In return, people pay taxes and obey laws.

If the political elite wonder how to “rebuild trust”, their first place to look is in the mirror.

An internatio­nal survey asked people “how to improve democracy”.

The most frequent answers were about getting better politician­s and less often about changing the system.

Responsive­ness, competence, honesty and hence trustworth­iness are qualities people want in their leaders although these are in the eye of the beholder. Supporters of Donald Trump often describe him as “honest”, while others see him as an egregious liar. People disagree about whom to trust, and judgement will partly depend on which politician­s promote the policies people prefer.

For some, getting better leaders would mean throwing out the present cohort and starting afresh. For others, it might only mean that those in office should pull their socks up.

But you probably didn’t need a survey to understand that reducing inequality and democratis­ing decision-making are good ideas. And if

you’ve suffered discrimina­tion and injustices, you’ll be less trusting. Distrust may be based on reasonable assessment­s of actual events, rather than misinforma­tion.

As the world faces complex problems such as climate change, the AI revolution, inequality and armed conflict, competent and honest leaders and effective government are needed more than ever. But leadership and government are themselves problems about which people have debated for millennia, with still no universall­y agreed solution in sight. It’s worth noting, for example, that in China, most people tell pollsters that they trust their government.

There may be disagreeme­nts about how best to govern, but all states practice, by necessity, some form of government. And the arts of government are ancient. Concern for a fundamenta­l

political trust is as old as Confucius’s Analects. The Roman emperor Marcus Aurelius wrote eloquent notes to himself about being a better ruler.

As there’s no handy administra­tive formula for political trust, such personal and political self-examinatio­n has to persist. Citizens want an end to scandal and corruption. Laws and codes may prevent the worst behaviour, but they can’t produce the best.

So, if you distrust politician­s, you’re not alone. Telling surveyors that you don’t trust politician­s is a gentle and valid form of political resistance. Politician­s should pay heed, reflect on their behaviour, and then take practical steps to deliver better public services – in other words, do a better job. |

 ?? ?? DEMOCRACY’S best chance to re-establish the “social contract” between voters and their leaders is for politician­s to look in the mirror and ask if they’re really up to the job of delivery.
DEMOCRACY’S best chance to re-establish the “social contract” between voters and their leaders is for politician­s to look in the mirror and ask if they’re really up to the job of delivery.

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