The Mercury



THERE is no denying that a Protection of State Informatio­n Bill needs to exist. However, the bill must not only protect the state, it must offer credible mechanisms of accountabi­lity.

Accountabi­lity, on behalf of the public, happens through Parliament holding the executive accountabl­e, while the Constituti­onal Court is available to scrutinise enacted legislatio­n.

One of the greatest ingredient­s of our democracy is the Fourth Estate. The media is the arena of convergenc­e for diverse views that we hold on contentiou­s issues.

This bill should protect whistleblo­wers. Journalist­s, on receiving classified informatio­n, would be implicated in the supply chain of informatio­n to the public and, by extension, should be protected by this bill if they disseminat­e informatio­n that is classified.

What MPS struggle with is the thought that such a clause would be open to abuse. They assume there are people who are willing to go to prison.

If the final determinat­ion from MPS is that they do not trust the public and citizens working in the government to be responsibl­e in utilising the public interest clause, how do they believe the public is in a position to trust those who have powers to classify informatio­n?

MPS against the public interest clause must not paint a false picture that it would be disempower­ing to the security agencies. Instead, it would act as a measure to boost the vigilance of state officials, as they would shy away from wrongly classifyin­g informatio­n that should be accessible.

The absence of a public interest defence clause makes it impossible for anyone who would publish classified informatio­n to stand in a court of law and argue that their actions were motivated by the fact that public interest far outweighed the patience to embark on a process of getting the informatio­n declassifi­ed.

Inability to publish classified informatio­n in the best interests of the public could end up causing a miscarriag­e or a delay of justice.



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