The Mercury

Eat together, thrive together


XPERTS say people who eat in front of the television are more likely to be obese as they’re distracted from how much they’re consuming.

Clinical nutritioni­st Linda Outhwaite said: “We miss out on the taste and texture as the food is consumed without much focus, and we clean our plate absentmind­edly, whether or not we are hungry.

“Watching television is associated with high-calorie but nutrient-poor food. Often the fridge or pantry are trawled during the ad breaks for the next thing we can pop into our mouths.''

Children and teenagers miss out on a meaningful aspect of family life if they’re glued to the screen during dinner time, says Sue Beresford, the editor of Food magazine, which commission­ed an on-line survey.

“Kids learn from their parents – if children are glued to the television, they’re missing out on a major part of family life,” she said.

Research carried out for the Families Commission last year concluded that teenagers who sat down to family meals were less likely to be depressed or take risks with drugs, alcohol and sex.

Young people who ate with their parents reported better connectedn­ess and better communicat­ion. The report concluded that sitting down to meals together was a feature of healthy family environmen­ts.

Jessica and Andrew Millar sit down and have supper with their two-year-old daughter, Caitlin, every night for half an hour. Jessica Millar said the tradition was important because it was a good opportunit­y to share what they had done throughout the day as well as to teach Caitlin about table manners and etiquette. – The New Zealand Herald

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