The Mercury

The importance of software updates

- Switched

IF YOU’VE not used your computer for a few weeks, expect popular software such as Skype, Adobe Reader, Flash Player or Java to announce updates the next time they start. Programs will usually notify you of an update via a pop-up, but not always. Sometimes, you’ll need to go searching.

Progress: There is no hard and fast rule about when an update is necessary, or even beneficial. There’s no guarantee that you will like the latest Skype interface or Adobe Reader feature. An updated program might even make your computer run slower by consuming more system resources than the previous version did. That’s the price of progress. You could refuse to update and keep your PC at a static state, a happy baseline that just works. In the past, this approach was successful, but that all changed when we stopped using our PCs as glorified typewriter­s. Now, your computer is connected to a global network that carries many benefits, but many threats too. Your applicatio­ns need to evolve to defend themselves.

Old version: If you don’t like the new version of a program that’s perhaps had nothing more than a facelift, restart your computer to continue, which many updates require. One free tool that makes the updating process simpler is Secunia’s free Online Software Inspector, which runs directly from the web at

Click “Start Scanner” to scan your computer for outdated software. The Online Software Inspector will provide a report of missing updates, often with links to download the most recent versions.

The scanner runs automatica­lly in most web browsers, but requires Java to make it work. Most computers already have this; if not, download it from Once installed, return to the Secunia site above and try again. If you still have problems, try downloadin­g and installing its standalone, offline sibling.

This is called Secunia Personal Software Inspector (PSI) from It does the same job as the online scanner, but if left installed has fairly regular alerts reminding you to update drivers and software; these can be annoying so you may wish to uninstall the PSI once you’ve used it. This you can do from Add/Remove Programs.

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