The Mercury

Captains’ case begins


HONG KONG: A court began to hear the prosecutio­n case yesterday against the captains of two ferries that collided in 2012, leaving 39 passengers dead.

Both pleaded not guilty to 39 counts of manslaught­er and two counts of endangerin­g others at sea. – Sapa-dpa

Migrant hunger strike

ATHENS: Hundreds of migrants at a detention centre were on a hunger strike yesterday after the death of a Pakistani inmate denied treatment. The Council of Europe’s anti-torture committee has condemned conditions at Greece’s detention centres. – Sapa-dpa

Apple overtakes bourse

LONDON: Apple is now worth more than the entire Russian stock market as shares in the tech giant continue to skyrocket, while Russian equities have fallen $234 billion (R2 574bn) as Moscow grapples with sanctions over the crisis in Ukraine, a weak rouble and falling oil prices. – The Independen­t

Bomb suspect killed

ABUJA: A suspected would-be suicide bomber was set on fire yesterday by an irate mob at a bus station in north-eastern Nigeria, where a bomb blast killed at least 30 people nearly three weeks ago, the newspaper Daily Trust reported. – Sapa-dpa

Dress vigilantes held

NAIROBI: Police say 90 Kenyan men were arrested after they attacked a woman they said was inappropri­ately dressed, hours after nearly 1 000 people marched through downtown Nairobi to protest against such attacks. The victim, who was stripped, is one of several in recent days. – Sapa-AP

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