The Mercury

Markets are shifting their attention to the US after ECB’s quantitati­ve easing

- Mohamed El-Erian is a Bloomberg columnist.

AFTER reacting last week to the beginning of the European Central Bank’s (ECB) quantitati­ve easing (QE) programme, markets are shifting their attention to the US Federal Open Market Committee meetings tomorrow and on Wednesday.

Yet unlike the ECB’s QE programme that is bolstering both stock and bond prices in Europe, the Fed is not likely to send a clear signal. Instead, it will probably make markets even more aware of the contradict­ory influences exerted by a strong US recovery and the prospect of interest rate increases by September, providing further evidence of a larger economic and monetary policy divergence between the US and most other nations.

This week, Fed officials are likely to signal a slight improvemen­t in US economic prospects. That analysis will be driven by both domestic and external factors that are net positive, though not uniformly so.

Stronger domestic growth drivers – supported by the continued broad-based expansion in employment – continue to be held back by sluggish wage growth, along with inadequate congressio­nal support for structural reforms.

As for non-domestic drivers, the contractio­nary impact of the relentless sharp appreciati­on of the dollar acts as a partial offset to the reduction in drag from Europe, as that region – the world’s largest economic bloc – responds favourably to the combined stimulativ­e impact of the ECB’s QE, a weaker euro and lower oil prices.

Given the overall net positive impact, the Fed is likely to continue its very gradual process of monetary-policy normalisat­ion. Having exited its QE programme in October, the focus now is on signalling a very careful departure from zero percent interest rates lest these overly distort markets and heighten the risks of financial instabilit­y down the road due to inappropri­ate asset and resource allocation­s.

Fed officials will likely tweak their forward-policy guidance next week – most probably by removing the word “patient,” which was inserted last December to replace the phrase “considerab­le time” in describing how the Fed plans “to normalise the stance of monetary policy.”

The central bank then would be embarking on the next stage in a delicate balancing act. On the one hand, it would open the possibilit­y of initiating a very gradual rate hike cycle starting in mid-year. On the other hand, it would wish to prevent markets from jumping the gun by immediatel­y pricing in the higher interest rate that is likely to prevail at the end of the hiking cycle (the so-called terminal rate).

In seeking to persuade markets to focus on what is likely to be a very slow and measured journey (instead of rushing to the ultimate destinatio­n, as has been historical­ly the case), the Fed’s “linguistic gymnastics” would evolve beyond just the removal of the “patient” tag. Officials are likely to also stress the conditiona­lity of its interest rate policy intentions, including the central bank’s considerab­le willingnes­s to alter course if economic prospects were to weaken.

History may well view next week’s Fed meeting as a notable step in initiating an interest rate normalisat­ion cycle. The real test remains whether this evolution will end up being part of an orderly financial process that allows the economic recovery to broaden in scope and scale.

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Mohamed El-Erian

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