The Mercury

Tunis recognised


THE award of this year’s Nobel Peace Prize is as much a eulogy as an accolade. Certainly the Tunisian coalition of labour unions, business, lawyers and human rights activists deserves the award for managing to turn their country’s “Jasmine Revolution” away from the brink of civil war and preserving a glimmer of hope for democracy.

But in singling out Tunisia, whose 2011 street rebellion overthrew an entrenched dictatorsh­ip and launched the “Arab Spring”, the Norwegian Nobel committee also underscore­d the dismal failure of the uprisings that followed in other Arab states.

That, presumably, was the committee’s intent, to demonstrat­e that a national dialogue led by civic groups can lead a country to an outcome far more promising than the coup that put an end to Egypt’s democratic aspiration­s or the civil strife that sank Libya, Syria and Yemen into anarchic violence. For a while, Tunisia had seemed headed for the same fate.

In 2013, four organisati­ons – the Tunisian General Labour Union, the Tunisian Confederat­ion of Industry, Trade and Handicraft­s, the Tunisian Human Rights League and the Tunisian Order of Lawyers – came together as the National Dialogue Quartet and mediated the formation of an interim government that would lead to new elections.

That achievemen­t is praisewort­hy.

The Nobel committee has a long tradition of awarding the prize to institutio­ns, individual­s or groups for the nobility of what they represent rather than for the efficacy of what they did.

The committee broke new ground this year by selecting what is an ad hoc coalition, using this courageous effort to underscore the possibilit­y of having Islamist and secular institutio­ns work together.

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