The Mercury

Terrorists love Toyota and Islamic State is no different

- Edward Niedermeye­r

EVERY time an insurgency threatens US interests in the Middle East, a familiar question always seems to follow: Where do they get their Toyota pick-up trucks? Since the mid-1970s, from Saharan Africa to Central Asia, “technicals” – light pick-up trucks with heavy weaponry mounted in the bed – have been a gamechange­r for irregular forces.

And just as insurgents display a preference for Russian AK-type assault rifles, their brand of choice for technicals is the similarly-rugged Toyota Hilux pick-up. With Islamic State becoming the latest group to display an affinity for the Hilux, US officials want to know: Why do terrorists love Toyotas, and how are they getting them?

The former question is considerab­ly easier to answer than the latter: Hiluxes are among the most rugged and reliable vehicles on the global market.

Tougher and more off-road oriented than the related Tacoma sold in the US, the Hilux is as popular with humanitari­an groups and businesses operating in rugged corners of the world as with terrorist groups. Though other car makers sell competing models – Nissan Navara, Suzuki Equator, Ford Ranger, Chevrolet Colorado – none has the same name-brand recognitio­n for reliabilit­y.

The use of Toyota pick-up technicals was pioneered by the Sahrawi People’s Liberation Army in their conflict with Morocco and Mauritania in the 1970s.

An infamous episode of BBC’s Top Gear, the most-watched car programme, once demonstrat­ed the truck’s legendary toughness by unsuccessf­ully attempting to destroy it in spectacula­r fashion, flooding it in an ocean tide and placing it atop a condemned building that was blown up.

The use of Toyota pick-up technicals was pioneered by the Sahrawi People’s Liberation Army in their conflict with Morocco and Mauritania in the 1970s. In the 1980s, a similar conflict between Libya and Chad saw such heavy use of the trucks that it became known as the “Toyota War”.

From the civil wars in Somalia to the Taliban’s Hilux-based blitzkrieg in Afghanista­n, the 1990s cemented the Toyota pick-up’s role as an icon of a new generation of insurgents.

Hilux’s charms

Such are the Hilux’s charms that even American and allied special forces have used them in conflicts, which has led to more than a few strange passes. After the 2001 invasion of Afghanista­n, Taliban fighters were found with maple leaf tattoos: a tribute, it turned out, to a stolen shipment of Hilux pick-ups from the Canadian government.

A more recent set of 43 Hiluxes, sent as non-lethal aid to Syrian rebels, seems to have fallen into the hands of Islamic State. It’s not just Toyotas: A Ford F-250 that was traded in by a Texas plumber ended up in Syria, shown transporti­ng Islamic State members in a propaganda video with his plumbing business phone number still advertised on the truck’s side.

Toyota’s response to the latest round of inquiry, from Iraqi officials as well as American, is the same as always: Insist it has a policy not to sell vehicles to potential paramilita­ry buyers, and explain its supply-chain safeguards to curious officials.

“We briefed treasury on Toyota’s supply chains in the Middle East and the procedures that Toyota has in place to protect supply-chain integrity,” Ed Lewis told ABC News.

Decades of questions about Toyota’s role in these sales have failed to turn up any evidence of the firm’s involvemen­t. Islamic State’s trucks appear to have been stolen from American-backed Syrian rebels and the Iraqi army itself, as well as

Toyota’s off the streets in the US and elsewhere.

With no evidence that Toyota is actively trying to sell trucks to terror groups, any US or Iraqi investigat­ion will probably be a waste of time. And as long as pick-ups aren’t controlled as military goods, keeping Hiluxes out of the hands of America’s enemies will be all but impossible. – Bloomberg

 ?? PHOTO: REUTERS ?? Somalia’s rebels make their way to the town of Barawe in a battered Toyota Hilux. The writer says decades of questions about Toyota’s role in its pick-ups ending up in the hands of terrorist groups have failed to turn up any evidence of the firm’s...
PHOTO: REUTERS Somalia’s rebels make their way to the town of Barawe in a battered Toyota Hilux. The writer says decades of questions about Toyota’s role in its pick-ups ending up in the hands of terrorist groups have failed to turn up any evidence of the firm’s...

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