The Mercury

Point your finger on Mondays for Britons feeling blue


IF YOU were feeling a bit blue yesterday, you were not alone – 11.17am on a Monday morning is the time of the week Britons feel unhappiest, a survey has found.

Research has revealed that less than a quarter of people are happiest before midday – but we cheer up in the afternoon, peaking at 2.35pm. The survey, for broadband provider Plusnet, found that nine in 10 people believe that it only takes a small thing to salvage a bad day. Stumbling across a bargain (42 percent), a spontaneou­s hug (40 percent) and a car stopping to let you cross the road (36 percent) were all chosen as things that cheer people up.

Even better, nearly half (47 percent) said taking the time to do a good deed for someone else made them happy, though only a quarter (27 percent) said they tried and made sure others had a good day.

And it seems politeness goes a long way as Britons were most annoyed by people not saying “thank you” (72 percent), pushing in front of a queue (75 percent) or not allowing others to get off the train before boarding (43 percent).

The Yorkshire broadband and telephone provider is calling on people to nominate the people that brighten up their lives – from the bus driver who waits for a passenger to the colleague who always says “good morning”.

Psychologi­st Jo Hemmings said: “We think it’s the big things – the dream house, expensive holiday or flashy car – that make us happy, but the secret is so much simpler. – Daily Mail

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