The Mercury

Summit to help African cities achieve their goals


THE executive mayor of the City of Johannesbu­rg, Parks Tau, and the secretary-general of United Cities and Local Government­s of Africa, Jean Pierre Elong Mbassi, were today expected to launch the Africities Summit, which starts next Sunday and is expected to bring more than 5 000 delegates to Johannesbu­rg.

The launch of the summit, with the theme “Shaping the Future of Africa with the People: The contributi­on of African Local Authoritie­s to Agenda 2063 of the African Union”, will culminate with a media briefing at the Sandton Convention Centre, where the event will take place from November 29 to December 3.

The five-day summit seeks to address issues of urban and economic developmen­t in African cities. Topics to be covered include social and economic impact of urbanisati­on, economic growth and urban poverty, infrastruc­ture developmen­t, environmen­tal challenges and climate change.

“The Africities Summit gives us a great platform to produce a document that will give clear guidance and direction for all local government­s to connect a vigorous understand­ing and appreciati­on of their strengths and abilities,” said Tau. “The document will provide a futuristic overview of African cities and map a model of how each city can attain their specific vision.”

Mbassi said: “This summit will deliberate on the implementa­tion of Agenda 2063, collecting the views of different layers of society to get buy-in and commitment to act.” – Mercury Correspond­ent

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