The Mercury

Power line blasts leave Crimea in the dark


KIEV: Crimea was left without electricit­y supplies from Ukraine yesterday after pylons carrying power lines to the Russia-annexed peninsula were blown up overnight.

It was not clear who had damaged the pylons, but a Russian senator described the move as an “act of terrorism” and implied that Ukrainian nationalis­ts were to blame.

Crimea receives the bulk of its electricit­y from the Ukrainian mainland and its seizure by Russia last year prompted fury in Kiev and the West, which then imposed economic sanctions on Russian companies and individual­s.

Russia’s Energy Ministry said emergency electricit­y supplies had been turned on for critical needs in Crimea and that mobile gas turbine generators were being used, adding that about 1.6 million people out of a population of roughly 2 million remained without power yesterday.

Ukraine’s Energy Minister, Volodymyr Demchyshyn, said four power lines had been damaged and two districts of Ukraine’s Kherson region had also been left without power.

Ilya Kiva, a senior Ukrainian police officer who was at the scene, said on his Facebook page that the pylons had been “blown up”, as did the Kherson region administra­tion.

The head of Crimea, Sergei Aksyonov, declared today a non-working day because of the “emergency situation”.

The attack, if by Ukrainian nationalis­ts opposed to Russia’s annexation of Crimea, would probably increase tension between Russia and Ukraine. – Reuters

 ?? PICTURE: AP ?? Milton Sere, left, won Zimbabwe’s Mr Ugly title on Saturday, unseating three-time winner William Masvinu.
PICTURE: AP Milton Sere, left, won Zimbabwe’s Mr Ugly title on Saturday, unseating three-time winner William Masvinu.
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