The Mercury

On the couch with Kriya

Billy Suter chats to KRIYA GANGIAH of SABC3’s Mela, about her television likes and dislikes


WHAT television show do you try to not miss – and why?

As cheesey as this may sound, I am a huge fan of Game of Thrones and I don’t miss a single episode. It’s so bad that my dog actually doesn’t like the theme song, and starts barking when she hears it.

The current television shows you find the most over-rated?

I’ve have never got into Orange is the New Black or Empire. Maybe I’m just so preoccupie­d with the shows I watch that I haven’t had an opportunit­y to give the other shows a chance?

Television shows you have loved over the years?

I am a huge Vampire Diaries fan… I think it’s because Ian Somerhalde­r and Paul Wesley are just so cute.

Television shows you have not enjoyed over the years?

I have never been a fan of Friends, for some reason. I never thought it was as good as everyone made it out to be.

Your favourite television character of all time?

Probably an animated character. I love my animated shows. I’m going to go with the original Mickey Mouse.

Your favourite television presenter?

I have always enjoyed watching Candice Moodley, even back in her KTV days

Favourite and least favourite TV celebrity chefs?

My favourites are Rachel Khoo and Ainsley Harriott. I don’t really have a chef that I don’t like. Let’s be serious, they are making my favourite thing in the world – food. What’s not to love?

Favourite television theme tunes over the years?

I am a game show theme person. I think it’s just because I am so competitiv­e.

The most irritating person on television?

I don’t think I have one.

A television show you would love to have remade?

I used to love Dawson’s Creek. I wouldn’t mind seeing a remake of that.

The funniest thing you ever saw on television?

Home videos are always the best thing to watch if you want a good laugh.

DStv channels you most enjoy?

I don’t have DStv.

A show you would love to see again on TV?

Dawson’s Creek.

If a mini-series were made about your life, who would you like to play you?

Angelina Jolie. It’s a nobrainer – she is beautiful, a great actress and a real role model. Did I mention she was beautiful?

Some of your favourite TV adverts of all time?

There used to be a Sasol ad, with a little boy filling his car (“Glug-glug-glug”). I also liked what I think was an ad for salt, where a little kid did a finger drawing in the salt. The creative element is what always gets me.

The television celebrity you most like?

I love Jimmy Fallon. He really is a great host and I love watching him.

What should there be more of on television?

More local game shows. It’s my competitiv­eness coming out again.

 ??  ?? Kriya Gangiah loves Vampire Diaries and Game of Thrones, but is not a fan of Friends.
Kriya Gangiah loves Vampire Diaries and Game of Thrones, but is not a fan of Friends.

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