The Mercury

ANC split over poll outcome

- Mogomotsi Magome

ANC structures and alliance partners’ views before the national executive committee meeting to analyse the election results have given the strongest indication yet how divided the party is over the poor election outcome.

The ANC in the North West came out in support of President Jacob Zuma yesterday in anticipati­on of calls for Zuma and the national leadership to shoulder the blame for the party’s performanc­e, particular­ly in Gauteng, where voters largely rejected the ANC.

“As the ANC in Bokone Bophirima (North West), we have witnessed how Zuma went an extra mile to campaign across the country, including the several times that he visited our province.

“The good results that the ANC obtained in our province, including winning the challengin­g municipali­ties of Madibeng, Matlosana and Tlokwe, were all because of Zuma’s hard work.

“We affirm our support for the ANC president without any fear because we know how tireless he was in spreading the message of the movement in all corners of the country,” the province said yesterday.

This support for Zuma was expressed a few hours before the national executive committee meeting, but soon after a scathing assessment by the SACP.

The SACP yesterday questioned the role of the national leadership for the decline of its support, including its handling of the Nkandla saga.

It also came out in defence of the leadership of the ANC in Gauteng, which is also set to face scrutiny at the meeting over the province’s failure to retain its three big metros. According to the SACP, voters had sent a strong message to the ANC that they should not be taken for granted.

ANC secretary-general Gwede Mantashe said the party would spend the next three days analysing the poll outcomes.

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