The Mercury



cupcakes out of the oven, we discovered we had forgotten to add baking powder. Besides getting spanked for baking without adult supervisio­n, we were also punished for wasting the ingredient­s. I laugh about it now.

What has been your biggest culinary success?

I can’t say, really. I rarely host dinner parties. I suppose my cooking has been for my pleasure, mostly … or maybe I’m afraid of people’s opinions.

How serious a wine fundi are you, and what is your favourite tipple?

I am not that much into wine, but merlot and sweet red I can do.

What kitchen utensil can you simply not live without?

Good knives do it for me. All types of knives – as long as they are super-sharp and do the job well.

What new kitchen utensil or appliance would you love to have?

I would love to have a fiveplate gas stove. The oven is so big.

What are some foods you simply refuse to try?

I’m really not big on Chinese and Japanese food. Sushi would have to be the one dish I refuse to try. Don’t ask me why.

What is your favourite restaurant in Durban and what do you usually order there?

I enjoy eating at Badgers in Helen Joseph (Davenport) Road in Glenwood. They have baskets with lots of finger-licking eats. The crumbed mushrooms are so crunchy and super-soft.

What is your favourite cooking ingredient?

I love carrots. I enjoy the smell when they’re cooking, and the flavour is really nice.

What is the most memorable meal you have eaten?

When I was younger my mom cooked us steamed bread, tripe and spinach. I remember asking what she had put in the spinach because it tasted different. It was the first time I had eaten food with wine.

Who is your favourite celebrity cook?

I really like Guy Fieri. I am super-envious of what he gets up to in his show, Diners, Drive-ins and Dives.

What do you rate as the sexiest of foods?

I’d go for prawns – because I once heard that seafood is an aphrodisia­c.

What do you tip in restaurant­s?

How much I tip in restaurant­s depends on the service I get and, quite honestly, how much I have to spare.

Have you/would you send a dish back at a restaurant if you were not happy ?

Yes. I am very vocal about my dissatisfa­ction. Not in a rude way … I explain why I am not happy.

Favourite fruit, vegetable, dessert and store-bought sweet?

I enjoy bananas, carrots, berry sorbet and Lindt chocs.

 ??  ?? Skye Wanda is not a fan of Chinese food and loves samp, beans and tripe.
Skye Wanda is not a fan of Chinese food and loves samp, beans and tripe.
 ??  ??

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