The Mercury

US soapie runs on


THE American presidenti­al election campaign comes increasing­ly to resemble a soapie. Who could script this kind of thing?

Hillary Clinton describes Donald Trump’s supporters – half of them anyway – as a “basket of deplorable­s”, to which she attaches all kinds of “isms” and phobias.

This is pretty pungent stuff, but it breaks entirely new ground. Usually you attack your opponent in personal terms, not his supporters who you’re trying to persuade to support you instead.

It sends shudders through the Democrat machine. The Trump crowd pounce on it as a deliberate insult to “millions of hard-working Americans”.

Hillary half-apologises, but before the issue can gather more steam she collapses at the 9/11 memorial in New York.

It turns out she’s suffering from pneumonia. Trump has already rather solicitous­ly said Hillary is too fragile to be president. She doesn’t have the stamina.

There’s surely no reason why Hillary should not recover fast from this bout of pneumonia and go on to serve as president if she wins. But already all kinds of even non-hostile people are asking whether the Democrats will have to find a new candidate.

Will Hillary get a sympathy vote from the uncommitte­d? Will voters think she’s not tough enough to last the course? Will the “insulted” hard-working Americans rise in their wrath?

What a soapie! You couldn’t make it up.

Meanwhile, Donald Trump has emphasised his fitness to be commander-in-chief, on the grounds that at his rallies he has ordered many people to hit other people. “In the heat of the moment, you have to decide who is going to hit which person, when, and how hard. I have ordered more people to attack other people than most of our generals have.”

The outcome of the fights at his rallies shows he has the judgment necessary to be commander-inchief, he says. “You always want to make the bigger guy hit the littler guy. That’s how you win.”

Asked about his strategy for defeating the Islamic State, Trump said: “What I learned from my rallies is you never tell people in advance how you’re going to attack them. You wait until they least expect it, and you sucker-punch them in the face. That’s what I would do to Isis.”

He contrasted his extensive experience ordering people to attack one another with Hillary Clinton’s “complete lack of experience” in the same arena. “You look at her rallies, no one’s hitting anybody, she’s not telling anybody to hit anybody, and people are just sitting there. It’s a disgrace.”

This is, of course, satirist Andy Borowitz in the New Yorker. But he’s the only straight writer covering the thing these days.

Kiddies’ classics

MORE children’s exam answers:

What type of attractive force or bond holds the sodium ions and chloride ions together in a crystal of sodium chloride? – “James Bond.”

Briefly explain what hard water is. – “Ice.”

What did Mahatma Gandhi and Genghis Khan have in common? – “Unusual names.”

Name one of the early Romans’ greatest achievemen­ts. – “Learning to speak Latin.”

Name one measure that can be put into place to avoid rivers flooding in areas of extensive rainfall (e g Mississipp­i). – “Flooding in areas such as Mississipp­i may be avoided by placing a number of big dames into the river.”

Name six animals which live specifical­ly in the Arctic. – “Two polar bears. Four seals.”

How does Romeo’s character develop throughout the play? – “It doesn’t, it’s just self, self, self, all the way through.”

Name the wife of Orpheus, whom he attempted to save from the underworld. – “Mrs Orpheus.”

 ?? PICTURE: REUTERS ?? A performer floats in mid-air as he holds on to a moving bus during the Internatio­nal Magic Festival in Luoyang, Henan province, China, at the weekend.
PICTURE: REUTERS A performer floats in mid-air as he holds on to a moving bus during the Internatio­nal Magic Festival in Luoyang, Henan province, China, at the weekend.

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