The Mercury

Opposing Trump does not mean accepting Islam


I REFER to the debate about Donald Trump’s immigratio­n ban

I accept that President Trump is a bigot, but neverthele­ss support the ban on Muslim immigratio­n. This is because Islam is far more than a religion: it is, in fact, a totalitari­an political ideology that hides behind its religious arm in order to wage war against democracy, human-rights and freedom of speech (which it hopes to replace with a set of laws it believes were bestowed on us by God in the 7th century).

Unfortunat­ely, the so-called liberals want to have as much ammunition (to throw at Trump) as possible, and are alienating people who would otherwise be against Trump by informing them (in a highly aggressive, authoritat­ive manner) that there is no appreciabl­e difference between Islam and other religions – that bigotry underpins their opposition to discrimina­tion against women and non-Muslims; that bigotry underpins their opposition to the execution of homosexual­s and adulterers; that bigotry underpins their opposition to young girls being sold/forced into arranged marriages with men, who are entitled to force them into a sexual relationsh­ip as soon as they reach puberty etcetera.

Consequent­ly, anyone who thinks that something should be done about Islam (the world’s fastest growing religion) finds himself on the same side as Trump.

This is ludicrous when one considers that a ban on immigrants from certain countries would have consequenc­es that are far less severe than sanctions (which routinely punish hordes of innocent people) and would raise far less opposition from Americans if advertised/marketed as an attempt at punishing countries that discrimina­te against non-Muslims and women, or commit human-rights violations.

Suffice it to say that the overwhelmi­ng majority of Americans would probably support the idea of giving countries like Saudi Arabia an incentive to get their act in order.

In addition, a ban on immigratio­n would prevent refugees from obtaining citizenshi­p, but would not prevent them from being admitted as refugees.

On this point one notes that Saudi Arabia – the birthplace of Islam – prohibits non-Muslims from becoming citizens and also prohibits the building of churches and synagogues etcetera.

People who attempt to convert Muslims to other religions are punished severely (sometimes executed).

I hereby declare my opposition to Islam as a bigoted religion that discrimina­tes against women and non-Muslims, executes homosexual­s and adulterers, and allows young girls to be sold into arranged marriages with men who are entitled to have sex with them as soon as they reach puberty.

I also declare war on the so-called liberals who soil themselves at the thought of offending these people, and do their best to bully us into remaining silent and doing nothing. TERENCE GRANT

Cape Town

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