The Mercury

Chinamasa is the voice of reason in Zimbabwe


IN 2000, PRESIDENT Robert Mugabe encouraged the invasion of white-owned farms in Zimbabwe. This resulted in the economy, heavily dependent on agricultur­al exports, crashing and rendering massive unemployme­nt.

Many of the farms that were taken were rich, but they now stand desolate.

It is interestin­g to note what Zimbabwe’s Finance Minister Patrick Chinamasa is saying to the country, that there should be no more farm invasions as they scare off investors.

It is not a question of scaring off investors; Mugabe has already done that over the course of the last two decades.

Chinamasa also said that farmers should increase production, and he wants white farmers to return. It is noteworthy that Mugabe is very silent about what his finance minister is saying.

Foreign investors have given up hope of investing in Zimbabwe, and I doubt white farmers will want to return in droves, as they have a mistrust for Mugabe.

Mugabe is like a chameleon. He will say something today and tomorrow something else to the country – he is unpredicta­ble.

He is no longer a fit and able person to continue as Zimbabwean president. He has ruined the economy of Zimbabwe, one which was once thriving.

A new leader to take over the reins of government has to emerge that will be a driving force to change the politics of Zimbabwe around, and the sooner we see this happen the better for the people and country of Zimbabwe.

Chinamasa appears to be thinking sensibly, unlike Mugabe. May we see some change coming soon that will decide the future of Zimbabwean­s scattered in the southern African region. ISMAIL MOOLLA Umzinto

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