The Mercury

Call for a halt to adding salt

- Sipokazi Fokazi

RESEARCH suggests South Africans consume more than double the recommende­d amount of salt intake of 5g or a teaspoon a day.

According to the Heart and Stroke Foundation, it is this high salt intake, consumed through liberal addition of salt to meals and as salt hidden in processed foods, that is responsibl­e for the prevalence here of high blood pressure – from 30% to 80% in adults over the age of 50.

As the country is joining the world to commemorat­e Salt Awareness Week (starting today), Professor Pamela Naidoo has called on the country’s food manufactur­ers to put less salt in food, and for consumers to carefully calculate their salt intake by reading food labels and choosing lower salt options.

While the country has since introduced legislatio­n to cut back the use of salt from last year – a move estimated to reduce cardiovasc­ular deaths by 7 400 and non-fatal strokes by 4 300 every year – Naidoo said a lot of South Africans were still making unwise food choices, with many still eating about 8.5g of salt a day.

From June last year, food manufactur­ers started to reduce salt considerab­ly in certain food items, such as breads, breakfast cereals and processed meats.

The amendment to the Foodstuffs, Cosmetics and Disinfecta­nts Act of 1976 requires that bread, butter, breakfast cereals, potato crisps, ready-to-eat snacks, processed meat, sausages, soup powder, gravy powder, twominute noodles, stock cubes and jelly all be lighter on the salt. But Naidoo says while the legislatio­n is a good start, it’s inadequate to curb excess salt intake.

“Salt intake is not easy to measure, and salt is hidden in almost everything we eat, even sweet foods. When adding salt in cooking or at table, all the pinches, shakes and grinds add more salt than we actually need.

“One takeaway meal can triple our salt limit for one day. Even something as simple as a cheese and ham sandwich can provide 2.5g of salt, already half the daily limit,” says Gabriel Eksteen, dietitian and exercise physiologi­st at the Heart and Stroke Foundation.

But Nicole Jennings from Pharma Dynamics, a South African pharmaceut­ical company that has launched a cooking campaign known as Cooking from the Heart, has a striking view as to why South Africans consume so much salt.

She blames the high salt consumptio­n on the “supertaste­r gene” phenomenon – a condition where people tend to use more salt even though they are more sensitive to it.

Research has suggested that the supertaste­r gene, known as TAS2R38, which intensifie­s bitter tastes, is more prevalent among Africans.

“This puts a completely different spin on the entire salt debate, since it’s more than just a bad habit that needs to be reviewed. What we like to eat or what tastes good to us largely drives what we eat at the end of the day, and if supertaste­rs mask certain tastes by adding more salt, they may find it much more challengin­g than others to follow a low-salt diet,” says Jennings.

But it’s not too late to change these habits as “supertaste­rs” can also train their tastebuds by shifting their sense of taste to enjoy foods made with less sodium by replacing salts with natural herbs and spices, such as garlic, basil, lemon or red pepper flakes.

“The problem with consuming too much salt is that it increases blood pressure and is therefore indirectly responsibl­e for many heart attacks and strokes.

“In South Africa, 215 people die every day from heart disease or stroke, which can be reduced if salt consumptio­n is curbed.

“Experts estimate that limiting salt consumptio­n could decrease deaths from heart disease per year by 11%, and save the South African government in the region of R713 million a year in healthcare fees,” said Jennings.

According the Nutrition Informatio­n Centre of Stellenbos­ch University (Nicus), not only does excessive salt intake increase the risk of hypertensi­on, which in turn can result in strokes and heart disease, but it can also increase the risk of stomach cancer, kidney failure and dehydratio­n.

“In most cases, people’s kidneys struggle to keep up with the high levels of sodium in the bloodstrea­m, and as it accumulate­s, the body holds on to water to dilute the sodium,” says Irene Labuschagn­e, spokeswoma­n for the centre.

“This increases the amount of fluid surroundin­g cells and the volume of blood in the bloodstrea­m. Increased blood volume means the heart has to work harder and there is more pressure on blood vessels.

“Over time, the additional work and pressure can cause blood vessels to stiffen, leading to high blood pressure, heart attack and stroke, and even heart failure.”

The World Cancer Research Fund and American Institute for Cancer Research has concluded that salt, as in salted and salty foods, is a “probable cause of stomach cancer. Results of observatio­nal studies and randomised trials indicate an associatio­n between a decreased salt intake and lower blood pressure.”

To prevent hypertensi­on, it is recommende­d that, on average, all adults consume a diet that achieves the recommende­d intake of sodium, which for most individual­s requires a substantia­l reduction in salt intake, eating more fresh vegetables and fruits, and less bread, cheese and processed meat.

Guidelines for a low salt diet by Nicus:

The main source of sodium is table salt, or sodium chloride (NaCl). One teaspoon (5g) of salt contains approximat­ely 2 000mg of sodium.

One way to overcome this problem is to read food labels and the list of ingredient­s. Items that contain more than 1.5g per 100g are high in salt. Try to avoid these. Foods that have less than 0.3g of salt per 100g are low in salt and a better choice.

Look for the Heart Mark to identify foods that have a lower salt content. Some products appear to have less salt than they actually do: “low sodium” can still mean up to 120mg sodium for each 100g, whereas “virtually free from sodium” actually means there can be up to 5mg sodium for each 100g.

Do not add extra salt to food at the table. Rather use alternativ­e flavouring­s that do not contain salt, such as herbs, pepper, curry, vinegar, onions, peppers, garlic, ginger, rosemary and lemon.

Avoid flavouring agents that contain salt, such as onion salt, celery salt, garlic salt, vegetable salt, barbeque and chicken spices, meat tenderiser­s, commercial sauces, soups, gravies, stock cubes.

Don’t be fooled into thinking that fancier types of salt are healthier. Whether it’s pink, black, rock, crystal or flakes, they still have the same effect on your blood pressure as standard table salt.

Although less refined salts might contain more nutrients than everyday table salt, these will probably only be in very small quantities and can probably be sourced from other foods in your diet.

 ??  ?? South Africans more than double the recommende­d intake of salt a day. As a result, the prevalence of high blood pressure ranges from 30% to as high as 80% in adults over the age of 50 years.
South Africans more than double the recommende­d intake of salt a day. As a result, the prevalence of high blood pressure ranges from 30% to as high as 80% in adults over the age of 50 years.
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